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A Few Less Journeys



It had to happen. I've watched news reports and read the papers about how one company after another has raised energy prices enormously, and felt very smug that mine hadn't.


Until now....


Usually I get pamphlets from them telling me about various offers and schemes (which cost money of course) but this time I got the letter that said sorry, but you're going to have to pay more. They're raising my electricity and gas prices by a third. Ouch! But then the prices they pay are nearly 200% higher, so can I complain? Well... Yes. Because I'm currently on benefits and I doubt they'll give me any more to cover the costs. The government have said they want to help those struggling to meet bills. Go on then. Or shall I vote for someone else? Tell you what, a few less holidays, plush apartments, and kitchen upgrades at the tax-payers expense might help me through the winter this year.


Interview of the Week

My quarterly benefits interview took place yesterday, and the young lady did her best to come across as professional and knowledgable. She told me with some bureaucratic enthusiasm about a scheme to get people to interviews at long distances.


Great I said. But once I get the job, who pays for the travel? You won't.


She didn't like that. I spoiled her moment of glory there with a dose of practicality, something these job agency people really don't consider since they never have to deal with it. They talk about public transport as if its a free service door to door. It isn't. So I'll stick to local employers thank you, and save some money by making a few less journeys like that.


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