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Obama vs. McCain, Round 1



For the record: I'm a moderate Independent, one who is completely undecided. I didn't vote for either of these candidates in the primaries; Independents in California only had open access to the Democrat ballot, and not the Republican, so I gave no vote either way.



I really enjoyed listening to this first Presidential debate. Some of the items were to be expected: Obama linking McCain to Dubbya, while McCain consistently saying that Obama was inexperienced. Knowing a bit about McCain's political history, I found him to be subdued; I've always seen him as more of a hawk (although a less aggressive one), and he didn't seem so hawk-ish on the combat issues. To be straight-forward, I thought Obama proved himself to understand the issues clearly, and gave several specific points to make changes; on the other hand, McCain came off as condescending frequently, and often talked of generalities.


Who won? Eh, I think Obama had the edge, but it's slight. But that's just my view.


As of now, my mind is not made up, and I don't think it will be for a while. I'm really pissed off at the selection of Sarah Palin as VP for McCain; it makes me not want to vote for him, and I don't view that as a strong reason for voting for (or against) someone. One would hope that she'd be a reinvention of Dan Quayle--one who exists, but does nothing. Still, she bothers me quite a bit, and it may end up swinging my vote. I'm half curious about the upcoming Veep Debate; I have a feeling I'll be a rubbernecker at that massive accident, around just to watch the carnage.


I'm curious about anyone else's thoughts, both American and otherwise. I can't wait to read the BBC take on it, as well as various other international news outlets. But I'd really like to hear from anyone on here, too.


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I pretty much expressed my views in this posting.


It's not so much the televised debates that impress me, but rather the candidates' record and views on matters pertaining to science that gets my attention. The more superstitious or supportive of the Religious Right that they are, the less I care for them.


Folks who talk to invisible friends are not folks I care to have making decisions that will affect my future. Not saying folks shouldn't have invisible friends if they want them, just saying I don't want their invisible friends running my life.


And, like you, I'm not at all comfortable with Sarah "Pray to Protect Me From Witches" Palin.


-- Nephele

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Once again I find myself completely disgusted that the so-called greatest country in the world offers such pitiful choices to its citizens.


I'm moderate, and McCain in and of himself doesn't seem extremely terrible to me, but his kissing ass of the Religious Right via Palin is a huge black mark.


Obama's only real "qualifications" seem to be that he is young, black, and "for change." I would have voted for Hillary over Obama any day.

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See, I'm the reverse: in no way do I want another Clinton in the White House. I'm done with so-called dynasties, and Hilary scares me in so many ways. While I do think that in a few years Obama would be quite qualified, well, I don't want a repeat situation that we've had for the past 8 years: relatively inexperience President, highly experienced Vice President. Not to suggest that Biden and Cheney would be the same, but the situation is.


I'm not quite as pessimistic as you are, Ursus, but we'll see. The fact that I'm not settled on who would be best as President, well, it could be that way until the 4th of November.

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McCain seemed to be controlling the debate offensively, forcing Obama to defend himself most of the time. I think they both are skilled as politicians, but I guess that's just my euphemism for being able to make bullshit sound noble and patriotic and nationalistic and what-have-you. They talk about all the issues as if the office of President has the same influence over them as a dictator. The truth is, they both scare the shit out of me in their own ways, but if you'd ask me who is less evil, I'd say Obama. Even though I don't trust anything he says, he at least pays lip service to an anti-war ideal. McCain seems to want nothing more than to do whatever it takes to kick the shit out of anyone who gives the U.S. a sideways glance, in order to ensure our globally dominant position. For that, I think he's a total fucking idiot. It also my personal opinion that both of them know just enough about economics to be extremely dangerous in the same way that a 3 year old has enough knowledge to insert a hairpin into a wall socket. In fact, pretty much every politician falls under that category.

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It also my personal opinion that both of them know just enough about economics to be extremely dangerous in the same way that a 3 year old has enough knowledge to insert a hairpin into a wall socket. In fact, pretty much every politician falls under that category.


This line made my day, sir. :D

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