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Nothing like a worm to ruin your meal



In the figurative sense:


Tuesdays are my long days at one campus: 11am class, follwed by office hours in the afternoon, followed by a 6pm class...get home about 9:30ish. Anyway, I usually eat at the school canteen for lunch, since it's easier to bring one meal instead of two, and after 3pm the pickings are rather slim. Anyway, I'm at a table in the common area, really only paying attention to my Turkey Ciabatta sandwich, when I hear the following conversation:


Dude: Wow, I could murder that sandwich...I'm so starving!

Chick: So go get one...ugh...whatever.

[time lapses]

Dude: Uh, yeah, I'm gonna go get that sandwich.


This is followed by the biggest, most snot-filled snort I've heard in forever. And mind you, it's 75'F outside, sunny, breezy...maybe allergies are at play, but this sounded more like the dead-of-winter cold-induced snort. Needless to say, I was put off my lunch.


In the literal sense:

This past Sunday at the Farmer's Market there were these awesome varigated nectarines. They don't really get soft and juicy, so they crunch like an apple, but they get quite sweet. So I finally am able to dive into one today...and see a small worm enjoying life. Needless to say, I was put off my dinner.


Recommended Comments

If you had baby turtles, you could feed your worm to them. Then you could bond with them as you "do lunch" together!


Get thee to your city's Chinatown and get yourself some turtles! Wheee!


-- Nephele

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