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More Rain Predicted



The last week has been a miserable procession of rainy days. Not those romantic downpours so beloved of Tina Turner, its those claggy dull grey squalls that we British like to call weather. But now I think about it, what happened to August? We hardly had any sunshine at all, and the indian summer we sometimes get in September looks like being a washout.


Its hardly Global Warming is it? But then it occurs to me that since we get most of our weather second-hand from America, and that they get full on hurricanes, I can hardly complain if I get a little damp. At least I have a roof on my home.


Roof of the Week

This accolade goes to the school around the corner from where I live. It looks as if they decided to re-tile the whole building. Its an old building of course, a christian school next door to a church. On this occaision though they didn't just rip off the tiles and have tea-breaks, they built a huge scaffold over the top of the building and draped plastic sheeting over it.


Can't think why.


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To keep the damp out? Or to keep on-lookers from peeking in and noticing that they're just pulling a few tiles and then stopping for tea?


We get our weather second-hand from either Canada or Mexico...sometimes straight from South Pacific. It's all second-hand weather, really. Never really created from a single local. Nothing you can be proud of and call your own. How sad.

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Well now you come to mention it, they have placed a tin roof over it and it is rather discrete in there.... and I haven't seen anyone working... Business as usual?


Oh no... You mean... I can't blame America for the weather? But surely the CIA has weather-inducing satellites that are making my life a misery? Please don't crush my happy little world by saying it isn't so.... I so want a conspiracy that can't be utterly destroyed by reasonable and rational argument...


Oh lets just blame the Chinese. They keep firing crystals into clouds.

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Cool. Can't wait to hear it. Especially if it has something to do with trained animals. Those cows keep looking at me as I walk past. They're up to something you know...

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