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Almost halfway way through classics major

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


Regarding my Age of Flavians class, I was (jokingly) told that I was halfway through my classics major even though I'm not majoring in it. Apparently, 4 years of Latin does get you somewhere. Perhaps I will have to consider classics now. Additionally, turns out that I'm the only freshman(to the light-hearted jealously of some seniors, wait until I tell them that I already had a year of greek done), the only other one freshmen seemed to have bailed out. Lastly, two of my classics classmates are gay and really fun in a way. I had an inkling one was gay, but the other one was too scholarly to know. There might be a third one, the one we call a "severe classicist."


Definition of a severe classicist- one who was inflicted with the classics cancer cells and then died and ultimately was resurrected as a classics zombie.


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