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All Quiet on the Western Front



Its all quiet on the western front. There's nothing moving in no-mans land, and here in my trench, eating ration packs and latrine duty are the norm.


The weather is typically british. Its sunny one moment, raining the next. The skill of dodging rainshowers and going about your daily business without getting soaked is something picked up from years of practice, and right now its proving very useful in keeping dry.


The noisy young lads don't seem to going to the library anymore, or perhaps they've decided to avoid me and go later - who knows? Anyway its better without the rows of baseball caps noddding up and down and yelling 'check this out'. Come to mention it, there's none of the usual crowd of children wailing, screaming, or turning the aisles into combat zones or race tracks either. Its a much more library-like atmosphere now


I don't like it. Its too quiet. They're up to something, I can smell it....


Noisy Moment of the Week

The garage across the yard has ceased playing its radio as soon they open. It was like an alarm clock, going off at 8:00am precisely. I didn't complain, but it wouldn't suprise me if my neighbours had. So now the garage has decided to fit a telephone annunciator so every time someone phones them, the loud trilling noise can be heard within a mile radius. They'll be getting a phone call from me if that carries on.


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