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Bears With Sore Heads



On the tv news I saw an old woman despairing of having to face the consequences of another war again at her age. "Why can't we all live in peace?" she asks.


Why indeed? Because human beings aren't a peaceful species. In order for us to survive, nature has developed us to be social animals, competing for resources, survival of the fittest, and so on. In the modern world, those instincts are still there. It isn't just politics and war though. We see the same instincts played out in business, or on street corners for that matter.


The russian leaders are not happy with the current political setup. I don't know if this is the case, but I can well imagine they're not happy with effectively surrendering the Cold War and finding their former enemy expanding and encroaching on what they consider their own back yard. You can't help but wonder if the failure of the Warsaw Pact to intimidate the west has left the russian bear with sore feelings. There are many russians for instance who would be happier under a strict stalinist regime.


The russians are however somewhat heavy handed, and in trying to impose control over their southern neighbour they end up killing a great many innocent civilians whilst ostensibly protecting others. War is a terrible thing, there's no doubt, but what would we do without it?


Dunce of the Week

On my way home from the sports centre I was walking beside a recreation ground (thats a grass field in urban areas for non brits) when I spotted a lady walking her dog. Nothing unusual about that at all, recreation grounds are commonly used for that purpose. She had her dog, a young black labrador, on a lead, one of those silly retractable ones with a plastic handle. She threw the ball for her dog to fetch, but inthe heat of the moment, threw it a little too far. The dog eagerly went afterit, and reached the end of the leads extension. The dog then lifted up in a graceful arc suspended by its neck. The woman on the other hand, fell flat on her face. You should never laugh at peoples misfortune. Sometimes you just can't help yourself.


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Throwing a ball for a dog on a leash? Wow.


It amazes me how people haven't figured out that war is just a part of human nature. It's been around for as long as humans have been around, and humans aren't the only ones doing it, although when animals compete, they tend not to drag it out with politics, threats and weapons that could destroy half the earth! :D

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Well thats the problem. We don't big claws and sharp teeth, or poisonous barbs for that matter, so we compensate by being clever and making alternative pointy things to hurt each other (or perhaps threaten). Since this means we must defend ourselves, we want bigger and sharper and more threatening weapons... and you get an arms race. Nature has done that sort of thing before though. The fossil records show an interesting 'arms race' that went through cycles in prehistory.

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