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I'm Not Dead



Just busy.


I got a new fish, pictures posted Here.


He seems to be doing well, still won't eat. BUT his beautiful tail that you see there, is in shreds!!! He must've got it caught on the plant (I removed the plant) and it looks just awful but I'm so worried about stress on him and the possibility of fin rot.


My poor, beautiful baby. And his poor tail. I just fell in love with that tail. I am so sad. :lol:


I'm still reading Gladiatrix and I must say, I am pleased with it. I'm almost done, but I haven't been reading as much as I should be. I'm actually pleasantly surprised by the book. :D


I've been working 9 hour days (well 9.5 hours. Half hour unpaid lunch) and Saturdays usually. Busy, busy busy.


Life goes on...


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