Getting Wealthy - side effect
...after two months into my adventure becoming really wealthy, i experience side effects i did not expect...
While the focus of this two months were to slash costs on not necessary stuff, something else happend, as i think, breath and act as if i already have those millions on my bank account, the following is happening...
I seem to attract rich people
In the last two months i had an unbelievable amount of interesting encounters with wealthy people, at the weiredest places, i think the smell of money attracts each other (even if i only have them only in my vision yet)
If it wasn`t for the Euro Soccer Championships i wouldnt have turned the TV on, i don`t know if that is true, but it seems when you think of wealth, TV seems to become less attractive, i estimate i watched less then 5 hours the last two months
I stopped reading my local newspaper, it wasn`t even a planned move, the subscription cancelled (fault on their site), so i had spare cash i have now the Financial Times Germany instead and read even more about wealth...
Classical Music is all of a sudden really nice to listen to
I get money i did not count on.
unexpected tax refund, i find money on the street, a guy that owed me for years, all of a sudden paid back in full, there you have it, more to come
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