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Wet Dreams



Yes its mid-July, and the rainy season is upon us. It seems global climate change has given us a monsoon in summer. Here in Rushey Platt there's great concern about where all this rainwater is going to go. The Swindon area isn't too badly off where flooding is concerned, seeing as its built on a hill. Given last years floods and the media attention it received, people are obviously worried.


Funny thing is, I had a dream last night on this subject. Nothing apocalyptic I'm afraid, so I can't write loving descriptions of it, but it was one of those curious dreams where the local area is modified. I dreamt of large basins being dug out in the countryside to serve as drainage lakes, and I vaguely remember looking at a map of them with all the names printed in blue. I was wandering around the area looking at these half completed muddy pits.


As dreams go, it was pretty mundane. Yet in some ways the imagery was very vivid, and in the back of your mind such dreams always leave an impression don't they? How many of us have woken up thinking we're late for work, rushing around like a headless chicken only to realise we're five hours early?


Its tempting to think I've seen something more relevant than another subconcious ramble. A vision of a future? People in less educated times used to think exactly that. People would describe their dreams to others, preach their messages even, and subsequently suffer applause, ridicule, or physical torment as a result depending on whether the 'message' was approved by society, or rather the people running it.


Thankfully we live in more enlightened times, and for that reason, I know I shouldn't take those dreams too seriously. Its still a vivid mental image however, and try as I might, I still have this gut feeling that the dream was somehow more real for some reason than most. I suspect, although most people might be reticent to admit it, that many of us have similar experiences too.


Swindon Redevelopment of the Week

The demolished shop across the road was touted as a site for a new nightclub a few years back. That I would not like at all, but it turns out the vacant plot is to have some luxury flats built there. Phew. Now all I have to worry about is the 'nightclub' downstairs.




Excuse me for a moment. I have to go downstairs and bang on someones door again...


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I have those kinds of dreams frequently, and usually wake up the next morning wondering how much, if any, is going to come true. The latest one had to do with an ex wanting to get back together, and me being insulted by the comments he makes...while I'm sure it's possible, I'm guessing this one isn't going to happen. Still, it's fun to wonder 'what if'?


And as for the nightclub downstairs...as Bugs Bunny says, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Break out that sequined shirt, grab your dancin' shoes, and go!

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And as for the nightclub downstairs...as Bugs Bunny says, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Break out that sequined shirt, grab your dancin' shoes, and go!


Sequined shirt!!???


What are you trying to say Doc??


That Caldrails fashion sense is stuck in the 70's?


Those hip and happening dudes downstairs had better watch out, Caldrail Travolta is about to crash the party!!!! :P

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And as for the nightclub downstairs...as Bugs Bunny says, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Break out that sequined shirt, grab your dancin' shoes, and go!


Sequined shirt!!???


What are you trying to say Doc??


That Caldrails fashion sense is stuck in the 70's?


Those hip and happening dudes downstairs had better watch out, Caldrail Travolta is about to crash the party!!!! :P


Darn... My cover blown... I surrender my medallion in dishonour.... And break out the military surplus.

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