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Big Trouble In Little Library



Libraries are places that require a quiet atmosphere. Its very easy to be distracted and since the whole point of a library is to provide educational material, with too many distractions its difficult to educate yourself.


The day-care centre facilities are a case in point. Young children like to run about, throw tantrums, and generally cry for attention, not to mention inspire adults to hold impromptu singing lessons. I spent one hour on the library computer with somebodies child threatening to use my keyboard, with a sort of mischevious 'I wonder if i can get away with it' look on his face. Luckily, the embarrased father made valiant efforts to keep the kid under control.


AM is largely quiet these days - his epic converations with his poverty-stricken mate in the plastic mac and sandals are no longer educating us on the state of british pensions or how dangerous the zulu's are. But then nature likes to take advantage of ecological niches, and in true darwinian fashion a group of youths has decided the library is a cool place to socialise and so engage each other in loud conversations. I'm tempted to write their biographies. I now know more about their private lives than my own.


I asked one lad to be quiet last week. He told me to go and use and another computer. Time to roll up my sleeves.... Yes, its big trouble in little Library....


Rain Shower of the Week

Nature slipped up. I popped out to the shops and was back before the downpour began. Its been sunshine and showers for a while now, blue skies with huge lumps of towering cumulus glistening white in the sunshine, and absolutely filthy black underneath. Very dramatic cloudscapes, very pretty to look at, and very damp if you get caught underneath.


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