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Recipe of the day: Sarah's Double



Ok, I made that up...but I decided that I was going to do something different the next time that I make a burger. I'd make 2 and stack them!


Before you start wondering about the possible expanding waistline, no, I'm not doubling up on the meat. I usually buy ground chuck in bulk and portion it out to 1/2 lb. chunks, and will have a 1/2 lb. burger. Also, I don't usually have my burger on a bun...never cared for it, really, and I'd rather have more meat and other stuff.


So, plan of attack: make a double burger with the usual 1/2 lb. of meat, but make it different. This ain't your granny's burger!


The meat was prepared as always: a pinch of salt, a few cracks of pepper, and a couple of dashes of worcestershire sauce. I made two patties, maybe only 1/4 inch thick...I wanted them thin, so I could actually eat the darned thing. I usually let the patty (or, in this case, patties) sit for a few minutes to soak up the seasonings, and in the meantime, I turned my attention to the accoutrement.


I have a complete affinity for sauteed onions and mushrooms, and figured that both would be good on the burger. But how would I stack it? Would I use both? Or have one on the side? Decisions, decisions...all of which I made as I sauteed the two in some olive oil.


Then I had it: the onions would go between the patties, along with the slice of cheese (both for taste and as a 'glue'). The mushrooms on the side, to be eaten at my leisure. Genius! One of those so-called 'stuffed burgers', but with the meat actually cooked and done to my liking!


Once the veggies were done, I went to brown up the patties. Not too much...I wanted a 'crust' on the outsides, but a juicy burger inside. When ready, I did the stack: meat, cheese, sauteed onions, meat. YUM!


On the side, I had some 4 bean relish, which really is more like a salad. I made this yesterday, and it has been marinating in the fridge since. I know I won't be able to eat all of the salad before I'm sick of it, but I figure it's a great source of protein and fiber, plus very low in fat...therefore a great side during a week that is supposed to heat up. (By the by, peppadews are a Cajun marinated pepper, much like pepperoncini but there's a hair of sugar in the pickling liquid. If you find them, they'll be in the deli area where one gets olives. The recipe suggests using roasted red peppers if you can't find them, and I'd say do half the amount as the roasted red pepeprs, the other half as pepperoncini.) Oh, and the sauteed mushrooms, of course.


Dessert, you ask? Oh, in a bit I'll have some lemon sorbet, with some cherry preserves that I just made up this afternoon. Tell me that I'm not enjoying my Saturday!


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Um, seriously, this is not hard. It just takes a bit of patience, and don't multi-task too much until you know what you're doing. Just watch the food...it tells you when it's ready.

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