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Camp Hell?



Being unemployed is a bit of a wierd situation. You get paid for doing nothing and investigated to make sure you are. Then they get impatient because you're not doing anything.


In reality of course you sign a Job-Seekers Agreement. It's a contract. You have to fulfill certain obligations before they can pay you benefits. That way people don't enjoy being unemployed and subliminally get the message that looking for work is a good idea. Now someone has touted the idea of 'boot camps' for the jobless.


So, as I step off the coach at Camp Hell there's a black guy in a slouch hat, hand on hips, sizing up our merry band of misfits in the blistering heat of Wiltshire, England.


"Awright..." He growls, "Welcome to Camp Hell. In the next six weeks aah will teach you to fill application forms, to post letters, to knock on doors. Aah kid you not people, in six weeks you will become fully qualified job seekers. There is no room for failures in mah job queue..."


Yeah right.


"What was that? Did aah hear you squeak? Gimmee twenty, Job-Seeker!" He yells, pointing at the mud.


But its muddy


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Getting any sort of govt. benefits is a weird situation. I remember filling out medicaid apps in order to get treatment for my anxiety disorder. Now that didn't make me anxious at all....

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Tomorrow morning I have an interview for Unemployment...a temporary thing for the summer. I have a feeling we'll be comparing notes and laughing and/or crying....

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The problem is that the benefits system is being exploited by professional claimants at too high a level. There are regular tv ads designed to persuade these people to stop claiming whilst secretly working, and also the government have introduced ways of checking unemployed people actually are, and what they're doing to stop being unemployed.


One scruffy young manager at the job agency decided a few years back that I was one such professional claimant. I wasn't, but he was keen to get on and saw me as a potential victim. So he cheated me on some vacancies he'd thrown at me. He claimed there were ten vacancies, but he only gave me six, and because I hand't therefore applied to all ten, he was therefore 'justified' in stopping my payments. I had to make an official complaint about him before the payments were resumed, and I was lucky enough to find a job a few weeks afterward anyway.

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Yikes, how dreadful! I mean, it's healthy to have a skeptical nature when working for 'the state', but still....


Well, it's 7:58am...I'm awaiting the interview.

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