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You could send some rain my way, please. Not only do we need it, but it'd cool things down a bit. 105'F yesterday, and the same for today. (Don Tomato, no cracks about an a/c, please.)


For some reason, I got nothing but silly Monty Python thoughts...


--Does, uh, does your mate, does he go, eh? Does he go, eh?

--He sometimes goes, yes. He's fond of pitching a tent.

--Ooooh! Wicked, eh! Wicked, eh! Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more!

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Its a very windy day today, the threat of rain waiting in the wings. Unfortunately I'm not able to send it your way - we receive your left over weather more often than not.


Don't worry about the Monty Python moment. We've all done it! :)

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Well, somehow, I don't know how, but somehow you managed it! Ok, it wasn't rain yesterday, but instead of the projected 105'F, it was 95'F with clouds! Way cooler...didn't have to put a pretty kitty in the car for an air conditioned ride. (Bella absolutely hates car rides...starts panting and everything.)


Last night I slept like a log...as did Bella. I woke up at 8am, and it was 70'F in the apartment...quite nice...and 65'F outside. Today is supposed to be in the 80s, which I'll gladly have...that's normal for around here.

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