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Victorian Pidgeon Nests



Woke early this morning to the sound of demolition next door, as it appears the old college building is finally being pulled down. The older vicorian block is to be preserved and redeveloped as luxury flats, but the 60's eyesore attached to it is coming down. I spent five years studying there and funny enough, I don't feel any sadness at its passing. I must admit, I would be sorry to see my old high school vanish. There have been plans to close it


Thats happened a lot in Swindon over the years. So many older buildings have gone. Even the replacement market hall, a curious construction resembling a circus tent, has closed for business and is to be redeveloped. Swindon knows how to live with the future, but it just can't live with its past. Its railway town heyday always seems to be something the place is embarrased of. Swindon is a joke used by comedians and tv presenters. The old image of dirty run-down workshops and soot encrusted brick terrace houses endures, and modern Swindon is a horrible mish-mash of old and new. Recently a big screen television has been erected at our local shopping center. What on earth for? Why would I want to stop and watch Sky News on my way to the supermarket? I can't change channels. A part of me says Swindon really should stop all this hapless beautification and be true to itself, to give the town an image more comfortable with its past.


Too late for my senior school though. It was flattened and turned into housing and a social center years ago, which saddens me because I do have very fond memories of that place. So do others as I found out during my recent reunion bash. Its a shame the place has gone. Just one more victorian pidgeon nest hit the dust.


Another Brick Removed From Brittania

The House of Lords in Britain has decided to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon, despite its failure to secure agreement and a last minute defence by conservative politicians, not to mention a group of protestors remonstrating at them. Where is the referendum we were promised? Why am I not suprised?


Inflation Busting Pay Rise of the Week

I see the tanker drivers have been given a 14% pay rise over two years, bringing their pay over


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