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An Impression of Prison



Walking toward the supermarket I spotted D a little way off. He's a tall guy, very individual, a sort of happy go lucky bloke who doesn't let life get him down in any way. I used to work at the same warehouse as him when I was employed by DS, but more to the point, where's his mate?


"He's in there.." Says D smiling, "But he's not my mate"


Thanks for the warning. D's mate is MS. He's another jovial chap, shaven head, but someone with a more direct way of achieving his ends. Years ago he was jailed for soccer violence. Now he says he's a reformed character, so he only spars for fun. Actually, joking aside, the man has a confidence about violence that is very impressive. For him, fighting is automatic, something he can do without thinking, so he's very calm and quick, and given his mischievious nature, you need eyes in the back of your head!


He was in there, but I didn't spot him. Once though I saw a side of him that was even more interesting. In a mischievious mood myself, I yelled across the warehouse in a typical sergeant-major fashion...


S! Get your hair cut!!!


He looked around in a state of horror. He admitted later that for that moment, he thought one of his old prison warders was in the warehouse. Its a very telling moment.


Years ago I did some part time delivery driving. Once I had to drop some parcels off at a prison. From the main road, you couldn't see it, but eventually someone kindly pointed out the lane I needed to go down. Whilst I was there, I caught a glimpse of a barbed wire stockade towering over the surrounding administration blocks.


Don't think I want to stay there.....


More Floods...

South China gets hit again. The upper mississippee suffers severe flooding too. It must be devastating to have your home indundated like that, and I do have sincere sympathy for those affected, not to mention people who've lost friends and family. Britains rainy season is soon to be upon us...


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