Euro 2008 starts tomorrow Home Sweet Home Entry posted by Viggen June 6, 2008 588 views Share More sharing options... Followers 0 I couldnt say it better then the Bleacherreport The World Cup is sexier. It Report Entry
Gaius Paulinus Maximus 2 Posted June 6, 2008 Report Share That's right Viggen, rub it in why don't you!!!! I know how you feel, there's nothing like the excitement that a big tournament brings to the lucky countries that are participating. England normally goes football crazy, at this time of year every car, pub and building is usually sporting the flag of St George, the papers are full of expectation and people in general are usually in a buoyant mood, my wife even gets excited about footy, on match days the pubs are full to the rafters and usually a good day is had by all...............But not this year!!! Oh no, not a flag in sight, football fans across the country are depressed and there's not a sniff of football fever in the papers. Enjoy it while it lasts Vig, because to be honest, I can't really see Austria getting past the group stages, can you? The Croats are one of the dark horses for the tournament and the Germans are well......The Germans! They always seem to pull it out of the bag when it matters. The only good thing I have to look forward to is that at least I don't have to sit through another agonising penalty shoot out which will ultimately end in heartache, I can just sit back and enjoy the tournament for what it is........ A great footballing spectacle, with the best footballers in the world on show. Armchair supporting is the way forward this year! Link to comment
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