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Curiosity Pleased The Cat



Yesterday I wandered into a music store and as usual fingered through the various artists that I particularly like. One CD stood out, with stickers telling me it was the 'new album'. Okeedokee, one purchase made. When I looked closer at home I realised it wasn't the artist the CD had been filed under, but some band I'd never heard of. Doh!


I suppose I could of taken it back but curiosity got the better of me. And I'm pleased it did.


The album was Indestructible, the band called Disturbed, playing a sort of melodic thrash metal of better quality than most. I don't like thrash metal, it hides a lack of talent beneath frantic enthusiasm for fast songs in most cases, but these guys are better than that by a long way.


I like it a lot. 9 out of 10 people, and thats my score for a thrash metal CD of all things.


Socks of the Week

Goes to the pair I was wearing on Tuesday, when we had that heavy rain all day. They're still wet.


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Calm your enthusiasm Doc - they are now officially declared dry. My rucksack is still damp at the bottom though if you want to keep celebrating. Whilst I'm waiting, lets play that CD again....

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