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Damp Squib



British weather struck with a veangeance yesterday. Not quite the heaviest downpour I've ever suffered, but it kept on raining heavily all day. I have an army issue rucksack - officially declared waterproof -which had a small puddle at the bottom of it. My mobile phone got trashed by water damage again. Why can't manufacturers make a mobile phone that doesn't disintergrate in mildly moist conditions? Worse still, having already been out in the rain and well soaked, I found a message left by the post office asking me to collect an undelivered parcel. Oh no... not another hour long trek across Swindon...


...All for a pair of light bulbs donated by my electricity company. Cheers guys. That put a damper on the deal...


Canal Progreess of the Week

Its looking ever more serious, as I see from the old collectibles shop that advanced planning consent is in the works. Can't wait...


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Wow...a couple of light bulbs. How kind and sweet of them! How thoughtful! My, it's just what you needed!


Couldn't they have kicked in a months-worth of electricity instead? lol

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