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British Weather Is Back



The weather has taken a turn for the worse and its temporarily goodbye to long hot spring days. Yep. British weather has reasserted itself and its raining. Just in time for the traditional downpour on a Bank Holiday Weekend.


Dream of the Week

Nearly decided that getting a job was the front runner for that prize, but no, it was last nights dream about tornado's. Don't remember the details, but someone pointed out the window and there they were, four or five funnels under a thick black cloud, one heading our way. Of course we hid and I have to say, for a dream about a weather phenomenon I've never experienced, the special effects were pretty impressive. Luckily the building withstood the tornado as it passed over and I was spared a visit to Oz.


TV Comedy of the Week

Has to go to The Mighty Boosh. I'd not seen it before but came across a repeat on freeview tv. For those that don't know, its a surreal comedy about a young mystic and his pet familar, a talking gorilla, and the two local musicians he rents rooms to. Its bizzarre stuff but genuinely amusing at times, and I hate to say it, very observant of life in Britain. Might be a bit challenging for non-brits though. The gauntlet has been thrown down... ;)


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The creepy thing about twisters is the sky. It turns a greenish-grey, and it's this eery feeling that something's not right. More than a bad t-storm, you know in your bones that you need some sort of shelter, and you need it quick! When I drove/moved home to SF, on my way out of Texas there was one such storm. I probably was 2 hours east of El Paso, and the sky was that same trippy color. I pulled over to a truck stop, and waited it out...thankfully, there wasn't anything that dropped down from the clouds. But you learn quick that when the conditions are right, you take precautions.

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i understand exactly what you mean Moonlapse. The Legend of Old Gregg episode is notorious for freaking people out and yes, it did freak me too. The first series of Mighty Boosh is oddly happy go lucky, even when discussing issues like death (it is a comedy for crying out loud). The second series however is actually better, but darker. For instance, Nightmare of Milky Joe turns the Tom Hanks movie about being castaway into a sort of Lord of the Flies scenario but with coconut people instead of kids. Its funny as heck, but its almost like comedy using the Dark Side..

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I guess I forgot to add that I also found it hilarious. Preferable to what I usually see on TV over here.


I can't even remember the last time I religiously watched an American SitCom. The closest I get is _Boston Legal_, but that's not a SitCom.


Now, I can't seem to get enough of _That Mitchell and Webb Look_, and now BBC America is showing _Not Going Out_. I have only watched the pilot (the second show was on this week, but I needed to work on final exam grading), and it has potential. And I used to watch _Coupling_ regularly, until 'Jeff' left. Then the show kinda sucked.

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