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My (fishing) home via Google Maps



Here you can see the lake i am regulary fishing.


The watery-area left ot the little river is artificially made a few years ago. It was built to give the fishes and birds a save spot to breed. It is relatively small but neverthelless just after 10 years you no longer would guess it was man-made. On the northern end you can see they are currently extending it by a bit. the whole field in the west might get be done the same way too. The city council is still negotiating with the owners...


Old castle. It looks more impressive here. The castle dates from the 14th century....


Middle of Town, here i catch my trouts. (isn`t it great that one can actually catch trouts in the middle of town? I know i am blessed...


Lake Faak. The water is so blue, you want to jump in the moment you see the lake... [pretty warm too in summer around 26 degrees celsius (79 fahrenheit)]


More lakes i can fish. All not more then 5 miles away from home...


Here i can fish the largest Salmonidae that you get in Europe, The huchen or Danube salmon gets pretty big, the official world record is 35 kg (77 pounds)


Thats it for now, i go out and get some fish now! ;)


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Sadly most of those links don't work...just the first one and the secondary castle one. But I can imagine it...and it sounds lovely! A place to visit in future, to be sure!

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Beautiful countryside! I want to go fishing, too! Or, catch wild turtles! Whee! Do you have turtles in your lakes and ponds there, as well as fish?


-- Nephele

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Ooo, it's a lovely species of turtle! I am so into turtles now, since I got my little guys from Chinatown. They remind me of miniature dinosaurs.


Nice to know you've got turtles out there, in the wilds of Austria. :D


-- Nephele

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