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Pans Labyrinth



There's a recent spanish film caled Pans Labyrinth. For those who haven't seen it, its about a young girl in spain in 1944, at the end of the civil war, struggling to cope with reality and immersing herself in fantasy. At the end of the film, its impossible to know whether she was deluded or really the princess in exile. Its a film that doesn't baulk at showing violence and human nastiness, and one with some haunting visuals. The quality of the film is excellent.


You know, I sometimes wonder if there's a little of the Pans Labyrinth in each of us. We all interpret the world around us, and some have what seems to me some very strange perceptions of how the world is.


One for instance is that as I'm an unemployed person then I must be wothless and useless. I gave my CV (resume) to one company, listing all the achievemnets and higher profile jobs I've undertaken in the last five years, showing a consistent level of competence and responsibility.


So I get a phone call from that one company asking me if I'd like to consider a part-time job labouring in unsocial hours.


Have I imagined the last five years?


Veteran Car of the Week

Goes to an Alvis convertible sports car of fifties vintage. Good condition, still used as someones daily drive, and looking fantastic in maroon paint with that well-used patina. I'm sure the reality of driving a car like that would be a nightmare, so whoever owns it must regard it as a labour of love. But its great to see an old girl still going strong!


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You sound (to me) as if you feel that there is some shame attached to being unemployed. There ain't none! I get the impression that you have served your nation in its armed forces. There ain't no shame in picking up an unemployment check - even if you didn't serve - you and your family have paid for it. If you feel that you are a leech on this account, then observe your politicos who do it in a grand manner. Your age may be kicking in. One of your former supervisors, justly or unjustly, may have it 'in' for you.

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That has to be one of the better films that I've seen recently. If you liked Pan's Labyrinth, I'd recommend a French film called The City of Lost Children (La cite des enfants perdus).

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You sound (to me) as if you feel that there is some shame attached to being unemployed. There ain't none! I get the impression that you have served your nation in its armed forces. There ain't no shame in picking up an unemployment check - even if you didn't serve - you and your family have paid for it. If you feel that you are a leech on this account, then observe your politicos who do it in a grand manner. Your age may be kicking in. One of your former supervisors, justly or unjustly, may have it 'in' for you.


I never served with the armed forces - I did apply to the Royal Air Force twice when I was younger to no avail, although I have worked alongside british and american servicemen since. Actually, there is a hint of shame in umemployment in Britain. There are so many dole seekers claiming money illegally that the government has gone to great pains to advertise about dire punishment if caught. This means that you get tarred with a brush. I've wondered if the reason my last two cars were ruined was simply that - Someone thought I was working illegally and decided to righteously do something about it.


About my supervisors - yes, there are one or two. DS has been a bit vocal about it outside my home on her way to painting the town red on a saturday night. She gets a little contemptuous of those she stands on but I notice how helpless she is without her crowd of minions to fix everything she can't. The woman carries a leopard skin handbag for crying out loud - thats the sort of woman she is.

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