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Gaius Octavius


A couple of y'all are aware of the fact that I took a hit in the Imperial Portfolio. I am trying to make up this short fall with a Black Sale of my monograph: "On the Rudiments of Elementary Bad Manners"; a necessity for those lacking in the matter. It is offered at the previously unheard of pre-certified pre-discounted discounted price of 69 bucks. (Plus taxes and S&H.) But wait! Order one and you'll get two! Give one to a needy friend. You'll also get a C-note rebate!


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Nobody loves me? :( OK, I'll throw in 1,000 Green Stamps! :clapping::yes:




How about a swap: a copy of my own work " - I Made $100 in Real Estate" for a copy of your "Monograph "?


If you act quickly I'll include two of my latest: " - Tax Shelters for the Poor " and " - How to Convert your Family Room into a Garage "


What say ye? yes.gif


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Nobody loves me? :( OK, I'll throw in 1,000 Green Stamps! :ph34r::(




How about a swap: a copy of my own work " - I Made $100 in Real Estate" for a copy of your "Monograph "? [Could I still buy a stamp with 100 bucks?]


If you act quickly I'll include two of my latest: " - Tax Shelters for the Poor " [dubya gave me a copy!] and " - How to Convert your Family Room into a Garage " [Need a whole basement for my Pleasure Barge!]


What say ye? yes.gif



But, I am an easy mark. Throw in one billion air miles so that I can get from La Guardia to Republic to commit some nefarious crime, and you have a deal! :( While you are at it, throw in some pre-certified rebates - so that I can get the dynamite on the prop-job. :clapping:



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How can I go further? I already gave up a C-Note rebate for a 69 buck purchase, and 1,000 green stamps in my first counter-offer. Sorry, I don't deal in air-miles.


[Need a whole basement for my Pleasure Barge!] Careful that might mean your "Converstion Pit" would have to be moved. (Oh well that would reduce the risk of your stumblng into it after "medicating")

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Or, are you simply unknowingly 'feeding' me?



Maybe . . . :ph34r:




Those who are not self aware

are transparent as it were . . .

The Passionate State of Mind

(Eric Hoffer)

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