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I'm envious of your avatars, Moon. You always have the most surreal, from plague doctor to Hieronymous Bosch, and now this classic photograph.


But this latest one is your best of all. And, the bonus is that you've got that Latin title to tie in with the site -- In Voluptas Mors ("In Pleasure, Death").


High five!


-- Nephele

P.S. Care to tell us the story behind that photo you're now using for your personal photo?

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P.S. Care to tell us the story behind that photo you're now using for your personal photo?

It's Leach Cross, The Fighting Dentist.


There's just something stereotypically hilarious about a Jewish boxer who also happened to have been a dentist.




It's also kind of funny picturing Leach Cross handing someone his teeth to him -- in more ways than one.


-- Nephele

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