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Me and Karma had a talk...



This week was the shits. Absolutely one of the worst in my life. So, I made an appointment with Karma and we had a chat. It was a good airing out of grievances; I made it clear that her mechanations this week caused me to have a craptastic week, and she got a good laugh. But she promised that things will look up. I'd like to hold her on that, but seeing as how Karma is a wee bit fickle, and a bit of a bitch, I don't totally trust her. Her sister, Fate, is a lot nicer to me, although quite aloof and capricious.


Anyway, to make sure that Karma and Fate were on my good side, I decided that being taking matters in my own hands would be a good thing. On my walk today (4.2 miles...shorter this time, but a new route), I signed up at a different gym, one which has better facilities and more of an active social calendar than the one I'm at now. Basically, it's a gym and a network/social hall all in one. Part Elks Lodge (minus the overbearing male atmosphere), part 24 Hour Fitness. It's more than I pay now, true, but the atmosphere is much better...the pool is great, which is what I want, and it's 5 blocks down the street...I have no excuse now.


Ran errands...although Karma had fun with me again, making me late to the bank (so, no quarters...which means no doing laundry) and having the meter maids come 'round while I was dropping off my paperwork at the gym ($28...goddammit). But I've now made bread, and am about to make spaghetti gravy (I'm out...I can't believe it!). I'll work on grading later, and then will have a night in with the movies; The Last King of Scotland came in the mail via NetFlix the other day, and I want to watch it before I meet up with my brother tomorrow. Bella wants to play, which is always uplifting, although currently she wants to sit on my lap, and I'm about to go in the kitchen again.


Things are looking better...they always do get better. The sun is shining again!


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It's been my experience that Serendipity is MUCH more agreeable than that Karma chick. (Even though they both have hippy names.)


But Karma has confirmed to me that you'll be visiting New York this summer, and that we'll get to meet up. So, she gets points for that, if it comes about.


Wait'll you see what Serendipity has planned for you here in New York, though. :thumbsup:


-- Nephele

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Can't wait! I just know what my brother planned out...which is quite a haul:


Monday night: fly in on a red-eye

Tuesday: watch the 1pm game at Yankee Stadium

Wednesday: tour Yankee Stadium, watch night game

Thursday: drive up to Cooperstown to the Baseball Hall of Fame

Friday: drive to Boston, watch a night game at Fenway Paaaak

Saturday: fly home


A whirlwind tour, to be sure, but we'll have to meet up at some point. That, and I have to find a way to come for a more leisurely trip...and to go to Shea Stadium :thumbsup:

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Wow, it's like your going to be on the Baseball Tour. That doesn't leave much, if any, time for you to see NYC. Have you been to NYC before? I don't remember if you said. And, does your brother already live here?


Anyway, since you're doing an afternoon game at the stadium on Tuesday, does that mean you might be free Tuesday evening? Would you and your brother like to grab a nosh at the Carnegie Deli or Stage Deli? Then we could stroll down to Times Square, perhaps stop at Bryant Park to ride the antique carousel (it's gorgeous at night, and goofy fun), and then head to Brendan's Pub for a pint or two. Alternately, we could stroll to Rockefeller Plaza (also very pretty at night) and perhaps take in the city views from the Top of the Rock.


There's a lot of other stuff to do, but I don't know how tired you may be after your red-eye flight and Yankee game.


-- Nephele

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Ah...me, my brother, and my mom :thumbsup: No, all of us are out here in California, and it's the first trip to NYC for all of us. Mom and I haven't been to Boston before, but Matt happened to be there during 9/11; was stuck there in New England for about 10 days before he could fly out.


We'll talk more later (the trip isn't until the end of July), but I think we could meet up on Tuesday after the game. You're right that we'll prolly be tired after the flight and game, but who cares...at the very least a 'guided tour' of NYC's finest would be in order! Yep, it's a baseball tour, but given our family, it sounds about right. This might be the one trip that would have gotten my grandmother on a flight! Alas, she's gone (well, that's a whole other story), but she'll be with us in flight...this is the same woman who saw Joe D. play in Washington Park when he was a kid!

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F**k Karma mate, she's always looking to bite you on the arse. That's her whole M.O. Fate's not a whole lot better - she thinks she's got it all figured out.


But things can't be all that bad. You know you're scraping the barrel when you start relying on their other sister, Luck.


It's good to read that the sun is shining again by the end of your latest entry, doc. Hope you have a good time in with your bro in N.Y, and that you hook up with Neph, and that N.Y City survives!

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Hope you have a good time in with your bro in N.Y, and that you hook up with Neph, and that N.Y City survives!


With Mom in tow, yeah, prolly so. She has a tendency to rein us in!

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DoL, ask your mom and brother what they'd like to see in NYC, and I'll see what I can pull together.


Do you know the precise dates you'll be coming? July 11-27 is the Newport Music Festival, and I go to that every summer. I missed Pantagathus' NYC visit last year because I'd already bought my tickets. I don't go for the entire two weeks, so if I know in advance when you're coming, I'll see if I can work around the Festival.


-- Nephele

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Yeah, I just got them: 29 July we fly in...so I guess we'll be there the night of the 30th and 31st (although this night we'll be at the game). I'll take a poll, too. Sweet!

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Yeah, I just got them: 29 July we fly in...so I guess we'll be there the night of the 30th and 31st (although this night we'll be at the game). I'll take a poll, too. Sweet!


Perfect! I should have no problem meeting up with you, mom, and bro', then!


-- Nephele

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Listen, you kali4kneeya reprobate, why would anyone in their polluted minds go to bean town? Not even the Glorious Ted Williams would tip his cap to those beings. When you come to America, I will treat you and your followers along with Nephele and her man to lunch at Fairway (I owe her). I'll pick up all y'all at some convenient place. This does not mean that you or Nephele are forgiven for not enquiring about my recent absence from the Forum.

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When he hit his last home run in the last major league game he played in at fenwick park, he thought about doffing his cap as he rounded the bases, but his better judgement overruled that potential blunder. :):P:lol:



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