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Woke Up This Morning



Today I'm setting aside my usual commentary on the World and its problems, and shall therefore describe events in a normal Caldrail Day. You know the sort of thing, that blues song..


7:00am - Wake up.


7:01am - Roll over and go back to sleep.


8:30am - Neighbours go to work.. wardrobe doors banging.... giggling and shouting..... Car starting up and driving off....


8:35am - Garage across the yard opens for business and the yard fills up with customers cars. Engines making all sorts of 'orrible noises, alarms going off...


8:45am - No its no good. Up I get, morning ablutions - Ye gods I look I've been pulled through a hedge...


9:00am - Turn up at the library to log on and fill my blog with stuff like this...


9:05am - AM complains his emails aren't working.


9:10am - AM complains the advice the library techie gave him isn't working...


9:15am - AM gives up and goes over to the papers and tell his mates everything he knows about the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879... Wouldn't mind but he's so wrong...


9:20am - AM tells everyone he's going to South Africa soon.


9:25am - Miss L saunters past.... For some reason I can't remember what I was typing...


10:00 - Times up - the computer logs me out. I leave the library.


Wow. What a fun packed day, and its only mid-morning! You guys must be soooo jealous...


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4.30 AM: alarm goes off


5.10 AM: get up, get dressed, pack lunch


5.40 AM: leave for work


6.00 AM: arrive at shop and start shoveling metal bits out of back of RoboDrill


11.00 AM: eat lunch


1.00 PM: leave work, come home, get shower


Rest of the day: dick around on the computer, watch TV, study or write.

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