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YAY (and also, shit)



I now have DSL (it was really pretty painless) and my laptop is in Allentown, so it should be here sometime early next week (provided DHL Express doesn't decide that they won't deliver it to my house, grrr). I'm really excited to get it. ;) So YAY.


I got to see my therapist on Wednesday, and she says I'm doing really well. Major improvement from last time. But I am really glad I got to see her, because I needed to. The newest thing I have to deal with is that my best friend has an excruciatingly painful chronic illness and I am not handling that well. (Though I have gotten to the point where I can do some basic research on it online. If I stay in "science mindset" I can handle looking at the information.) I've known about his illness pretty much since I met him and he handles it very well, but since my breakdown in January I don't seem to be able to cope with it.


I found out on Thursday that a dear friend of mine's son is rejecting his donor kidney, again. And it looks like he won't ever regain full function even with medication. We're all hoping for the best, though. :D (and that, my friends, is the 'shit')


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Chin up, mate. That's some heavy shit that you're dealing with. It's good that you are taking positive steps for yourself to deal with it all.

All you can do really for friends is support them the best you can where you can, but I'm sure you know that. Just try not to get down on yourself about it. There's only so much you can do before you start to internalise it all and before you know it, you're sick.

I'm sure I speak for us all when I say that the UNRV community is here to support you. :D

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I've already internalized it I think. It hurts me so badly that he's hurting, sometimes, that I literally can't do anything but curl up on the couch and shake...and I wish I could do even less than that. :'(

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