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What a Week



On Monday I summoned up my courage and asked for (and got!) a raise, and more hours. That turned into more stress than I needed, but alls well that ends well, and I did get a raise and more hours (and the increase from my old weekly income is going to go right into my savings.)


It took me most of the week but I found a DSL provider, for less than I actually expected to pay! I ended up going with the phone company, which I DIDN'T want to do for various reasons, but I did have to as Verizon wasn't available here. I think I made out OK. :)


I also ordered a new Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. I think it will be here this week, I hope. It has an integrated webcam and I upgraded the battery. I've wanted a laptop for years, but I never had a reason to have one. Now I do (more on that later) and I am getting a big tax refund, so I went and did it. :)


The DSL will be installed on Wednesday. I hope all goes well. :D I'm a little worried since I cannot be there when they install it, and my mom doesn't know anything at all about computers. I also have a therapy session on Wednesday, hopefully, if it doesn't get canceled again. At this point it's just a hassle and I'm not entirely looking forward to it. ;)


I'm thinking this week will be another busy week for me, and I hope it's not as interesting as last week. *laughs*


Yesterday I set up a blog for my Cill work: Keeping Brighid's Flame. I've invited any of the Cill members who want to join me in posting there to do so. No one has been added yet, but I have at least one other person who will join.


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Silly question time: Are you planning to give your new laptop a name? Just asking, because I have friends who name their computers. And, I remember you'd given a name to your new harp.


-- Nephele

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Probably. I don't know yet. LOL


It's going to be involved in a lot of ritual work (that's the 'more on that later' part) so it probably will have a name. ;) My PC does.

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Congratulations on getting your new laptop! I got a new (or rather a second hand) PC this week, after having wanted a new one for over 2 years. It seems odd to lose the old one though, I had that one since 2002! Will you be keeping your own PC or selling it off?

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I'll be keeping my PC. My mom will use it (I hate letting her use THAT, anyway. We fight over it. It's MINE, I shelled out the $700 for it, and she whines if I don't let her use it.)


I am password protecting my laptop, it is MINE, and no one else is using it.

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I'm right behind you on that, Warrior.

I don't let anybody touch my lappy. His name is Brainbiter, and he's MINE. I figure I paid for it, I make the rules, if you don't like it, f**k off. Laptops are expensive, delicate pieces of machinery and most people don't get that because it's not theirs.

I recently had a really bad argument with my lady about it. I make no exceptions. Not even my children are allowed to touch it! My whole family think I'm a computer scrooge, but I could give a damn. We've got a perfectly good desktop, use that, I tell them.

Just don't touch my lappy, we'll get along fine, is my motto.

Still jealous of you, though.

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