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Sad Obsessives



Earlier this morning I opened my emails. As usual there was the usual collection of unsolicited and unwanted stuff from people I've never heard of and probably don't exist.


Salvador Hale - Male Enhancement

Hampus Showers - Arissa says I feel tight in her now

Shan Spivey - Enter her with your throbbing manhood

Grant Saunders - She loved my large manhood

Abhijit Lukic - Non stop bedroom action


And so on. Those were the polite titles too. Who sends all this rubbish? Does anyone seriously believe I want to look at *or*-mail like this? There's currently 156 emails unread in my bulk folder and its all stuff like this or worse. Whoever is sending this garbage - Give up. I'm not interested.


There was a guy at the place I used to work for who regularly downloaded porno-images. Another chap had tons of jpegs on his work PC that showed women in various silly poses. Why do people enjoy this stuff? I just don't get it. Its a photograph, an image, and its not even real since its deliberately staged. I just cannot understand what there is to get excited about.


Its an obsession with sex at the end of the day. These are people that boast about their sex lives but don't actually find anything fulfilling in it (if indeed their partners exist and actually bother with them). People who may well sneer at me slobber and grin over a few distasteful jpegs instead. You're way sadder than me, lads. Sorry, you just are.


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I get those emails all the time. The funny thing is, I'm female!


I asked a few of my male friends at one point. Turns out, they all get the emails for breast enhancement! Thought it was pretty funny, myself.


Gmail has a good spam catcher. I rarely see them in my inbox.

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Yahoo's spam catcher is usually quite good, but I think there's a new batch of baddies who are currently slipping under the radar. But, Yahoo usually catches up in a couple of weeks, so I still like them.

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It does make me wonder about people sometimes. Over here in Blighty there's a 'newspaper' called the Daily Sport (invent your own puns and witticisms). Its full of adverts by women seeking sex. Also you sometimes get a page full of grannies trying to find young men for romps and good times, one 77 year old claiming that these lads will discover her experience. There's an advert by a middle aged woman saying she likes to dominate and any respondees must be respectable and call her mistress.


Now I don't buy this paper (wouldn't want to be called a hypocrite) but our tame forklifter does. What on earth for? There's no news in it, and the sport pages are the last five or six. I look askance at our workmate and wonder....

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