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New Houses for Plants Day



If there is a line between "house plant" and "plant house" I think I'm about to cross it. Seriously.


I used to not be able to grow ANYTHING but I now have...ten plants that are *definitely* mine, and my mom has I don't know how many that are *definitely* hers, and then there are a few we fight over...


My most recent additions (this week, in fact) are a beautiful palm from the local nursery and a GORGEOUS sago palm. I LOVE cycads...and I certainly hope that my new sago loves me. I managed to kill one once before...


This is my new Sago beauty:




(Sagos, by the way, are not palms, they're cycads. Cycads are actually prehistoric conifers. They're absolute evolutionary marvels...they have not changed much at all in 200 million years! Now THAT is an awesome plant!)


I spent today repotting some of my plants: my two African violets (well, three now. I divided one. It doesn't have many roots so I hope it survives...there were two crowded into a small pot in a way that they did NOT like, and so I have given them their own 'houses' to live in. :D) and my 'gold dust tree' which is growing quite large since I got it last year.


Tomorrow my...zebra plant? Is likely to get divided. ;)


When we go back to the nursery (I hope soon!) I hope they still have a Fantasy plant (I think it's a type of Draceana. I can't remember what it's called exactly, but it's got red and yellow and all sorts of funky colored leaves. I wish I'd bought one when I was up there before.) It's that time of year, when I want to bring nature indoors and I can never have too many plants. This year's collecting begins...


I worked this morning, and then spent the day repotting stuff. I'm beat. I'm trying to get my mind and body both together in order to do my weekly ritual, which I'll do when the sun sinks a little lower.


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Please don't think that I'm taking the mickey with this post. Do you talk to your plants?

The reason that I ask is because I do talk to mine. I felt a bit nutty doing it at first but it does seem to help. Since doing this, my plants seem, I don't know, healthier?

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Yay! I'm not crazy! Or at least, I'm not the only crazy one. My mother reckons playing music to them helps, too. But I'm not sure if my plants would appreciate Slayer or Sabbath turned up to 11!

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