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Eye On Rushey Platt



Cue upbeat theme music and close ups of scantily clad women between clips of Caldrail goofing


Hi there, and welcome to Eye on Rushey Platt. I'm your host Caldrail. In todays entry -


Did Miss L do that to her hair on purpose?


Why has AM been banned from his favourite library PC?


Does DS know I've heard her mocking me as she walks past my home on Friday night?


Is there any truth to the rumour that SB is about to get his revenge?


But first, a shocking new development down the road. There's a commercial building that used to be a music store, more recently an internet cafe, and left empty when its owner decided to sell the property for the outrageous price of


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Cripes, American suburbia is spreading around the world. There must not be justice in the world...that, or everyone is supposed to be fat like us.


On the other hand, the fact that the titty bar isn't doing that great is both funny and sad at the same time. What's a girl to do for work nowadays? :)

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