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Running on Fumes



Anyone who knows me or has been around me quite a bit knows that I'm basically a ball of energy. I can run at a high level for a long, long time. I do my best work in the afternoon and evening, especially when I work-out in the morning; I never go to bed before 11:30pm, and I still wake up refreshed in the morning. But when I crash...look out.


This week has been a difficult one, not because of anything in particular. I know I'm starting to crash, and it's the week before Spring Break. I've made it thus far: 3 exams, graded 2 of them (the other doesn't have to be out until after break), and created 2 exams. Just the two classes to teach tomorrow. Then I can relax. But, man, I'm running on fumes right now.


When I crashed before, I would spend a fair amount of my evenings on the couch. It was easy: finish eating dinner, put dishes in the sink, then lay down on the couch and watch tv until I fell asleep. Wake up, take a shower, go to bed for the night. However, when one lives in a 400 sq.ft. studio apartment, this isn't exactly feasible. For one, my 8-foot couch is in my brother's garage. For another, if I want to pass out in front of the tv, I get to sit in my computer chair. Otherwise, I can lay on the bed, and watch tv on an angle...and wake up with a terrible neck pain. Nope, no good.


So, I'm doing the next best thing: drinking wine, with my cat on my lap, and doing nothing. Tomorrow night I have a date, so I'll come home from campus, eat a bit, go work out, and take a nap before getting ready. Tonight I'll also give meself a mani-pedi (for you guys: manicure and pedicure...and yes, I do it myself)...I need it anyway, as it's almost sandal weather. But I'm enjoying these next few days...even though I have all next week off of school, I have exams to grade, scholarship applications to review, and other stuff to work on come Wednesday. But, oh, I get to recharge!!!!


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Nah, not yet...let me at least get "friendly" with the guy first before we go contorting his name :)


It's the next day. Nu? Did you get "friendly"? :)


-- Nephele

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How do I describe this....


It's been so long since I've gone out with a gentleman, I'm absolutely savoring this. "Friendly" activities were respectfully. But nothing at the level which would require an anagram quite yet :)


(BTW despite my best efforts, today was not a calm day. But, on the other hand, I bought myself a new camera, which was necessary. Now I can take pictures again!)

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