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Did the Earth Move For Me?



I woke last night dimly aware that my bed was wobbling. Now usually the rattles and vibrations I experience at night are the result of heavy lorries thundering down the hill, or perhaps my neighbours stereo (or just my neighbours), but this felt different. Objects were rattling around, and the bed was still wobbling. Its an extraordinary sensation and one that left me wondering "Was that an earthquake?"


Yes it was. Measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale and centered in Lincolnshire, the earthquake struck Britain in the small hours, the biggest in twenty five years. Funny thing is I don't remember any earthquakes at all ever. What suprises me even more is that according to the Geological Survey we get two hundred earthquakes a year and no-one notices. Want a vacation? Come to Britain. Even our earthquakes are polite.


Eurovision Song Contest Entry of the Week

Ah yes. Once again the nations of Europe and Asia Minor are voting for their favourite entry to compete against each other in a televised final. God won it at least once by inventing Cliff Richard. Sweden won it by inventing Abba. Now everyone else wins it by exporting the worst performers they can find. Ireland has decided to send a tv puppet called Dustin this year. Can you believe people take this competition seriously? Null points....


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The Eurovision song contest is a joke. I do not watch it, nor do I believe I ever will, but it was very difficult to not notice the group Sweden sent last year. Urk :):ph34r:


I'm ashamed for my own country.

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I'm ashamed for my own country.


Yes but Finland must be ever so proud of the great Lordi. :)


You guys are just lucky its Eurovision and not Worldvision. We'd send you Britney Spears. She thinks she has a British accent anyway.



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