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Noisy Relations



Yesterday I heard news that an illegal rave had been stopped by police at disused farm buildings near where I live. For those unacquainted with the term, a 'rave' is an impromptu 'night club' style party lasting until people fall over or get arrested. These people use any empty building they deem suitable, in this case the farm buildings left on the site of a new housing development. They do this to avoid noise, fire, public performance, and health & safety regulations. Some might think that because of my benign anarchastic leanings I might approve of such entertainment - I don't - its not that I agree with all that legislation, its the selfishness of the rave that I cannot agree with.


Years ago a mate of mine asked me for some help with a project. He knew I was into bands and gigging etc, and wanted to put on a charity event at a local sports hall. We had discussions, met with community officials and such, and the event went ahead as planned. Thing is, the sports hall in question is right on the edge of a quiet residential area, and I was concious that the noise associated with rock gigs wasn't going to go down well. So I suggested to him that a leaflet should go through everybodies postbox beforehand explaining what was going on, why it was happening, and apologising for any convenience. We got no complaints.


On the other hand I turned up to a friends band practice at a school hall on one occaision (I had in fact once been a founder member of this band and I was keen to see them do well). Unfortunately on that particular day there also a school fete. No-one had bothered to tell the school we were booked, or tell the band the fete was on. So, a very upset headmistress burst in through the doors demanding we stop immediately. I pointed out that communication was lacking and that we were no more happy with the situation either. The local council agreed with us, and although I'm not aware of any further complications, I really doubt that woman was keen to let bands practice there again.


Its understandable up to a point. Rock music ain't quiet, and there's a tendency for the noise to creep up as each band member decides he can't hear himself and raises the volume accordingly. I remember a council official turning up to a practice session to measure the noise. He was astounded and attempted to convince us that my drumming was louder than concorde taking off (compliments, compliments...). I attempted to convince him he was talking rubbish, pointing out that concorde taking off in close proximity has a tendency to make someone a little deaf and I could hear his complaints perfectly. He never took any action.


As for the rave, I have no sympathy. They never asked permission to use the property, and the behaviour of some people there was going to be a little dubious without any authority present. Its not that I don't want people to enjoy themselves, its just bad manners and illegal substances.


End of an Era

We got a visit from UT at last. He took away a load of old stock as scrap, and introduced his new sidekick, a young lad who will in the fullness of time take the reigns from UT. What about Lord H? Where is he? Retired. Well Lord H, enjoy your ferrets and regale your neighbours with Tales From The Gippoes. You will be missed.


But please take a bath this year, ok?


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