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Ode on UNRV.

Gaius Octavius


February is the dreariest month of the year.

Pantagathus and Perinax aren't here.

La Donna Sophia will seldom appear.

Nephele wears combat boots this time of year.

And Ursus can be a pain in the rear. animal-smiley-4960.gif


Faustus needs a good tax man.

Coldrail is locked in the porta can.

The Klingon is a frozen man.

Kosmic eats frogs out of a tin can.

And Ramses can be a pain in the can. person-smiley-1340.gif


Moon has a corner on gold.

L W has a nasty cold.

MPC will never fold.

The G-Man is very bold.

And a swift kick to GO's butt is foretold. angel-smiley-007.gif


GPM is lost in lovely Warwick.

DoLl eats sushi from a stick.

Viggen was robbed by a Serbian hick.

P.P. endures this motley clique.

And we'll all be blessed by his Holeyness, Pope Mal(icious)adict. person-smiley-1286.gif





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Very well taken, GaiusI found this while scrolling, scrolling. . . .searching"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. "-U.S.Marine CorpsThat was all good stuff. The kind I look for.Faustus

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As a fellow poet I must of course offer critique:


"February is the dreariest month of the year.

Pantagathus and Perinax aren't here."


If you put an even in there, it flows a lot better:


Pantagathus and Pertinax aren't even here.


"Faustus needs a good tax man.

Coldrail is locked in the porta can.

The Klingon is a frozen man.

Kosmic eats frogs out of a tin can.

And Ramses can be a pain in the can. "


I'd really try to avoid rhyming can with can. C'mon, you can do better.


Well done! :thumbsup:

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L. W., I am being very serious now, why don't you fix it up, and post it here? No offense will be taken, as this is just for fun. Add to it, if you like. We'll publish it!


Thanks for the 'well done'.

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You take a loss better than anyone, seeing as how you've had to endure so much. :) Kidding please don't kill me GO the Great! :thumbsup:


Or magnificent whichever one helps you check for my spelling errors. :)

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Still trying to figure out how I wound up in "combat boots." As in "your mother wears...?" :)


-- Nephele


Yup! I warned you! :)



Gaius Optimus Maximus would do nicely, you pencultucky farmer. :thumbsup:



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Epigram for Gaius Octavius


What cogent postings would shoot from

Your keyboard like a geyser,

If, to comment, first you had

To use a breathalyzer.


-- Nephele

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You're from Leeds? Sorry! Sorry! Thank God you're not from Kent! Oh, for a stolen rhyme.........


There was a young man from Leeds.

Who swallowed a package of seeds.

Great tufts of grass grew out of his :thumbsup: Censored :).

While his :) Censored :) were covered with weeds!

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