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I'm still fighting the depression. It's largely situational...so while I don't know exactly what is causing some of it, I do know that once things 'settle down' it should improve. I really hope and pray that that is soon, too. I wonder just how much more I can take.


I joined a Brighid flamekeeping Cill over on TC. Tomorrow is the beginning of my first shift, and I'm building a shrine to her tomorrow evening. I'm happy that I will have the house to myself for that. I don't know what all will go on the shrine, but I do know that I am painting a design on it (I have to work on the design today) and I already repainted the cabinet that I am using, in preparation for the design being painted on it.


I've also renewed my interest in volcanoes, somehow. They always interested me, and when I was younger, I was very much a volcano nut. Now, for some reason, I am a volcano nut again...and I have an idea bouncing around in my head for a volcano pendant made with the Artclay I got for Christmas. I'm half afraid to try it though. I get complicated ideas right off the bat. *grins*


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Reading doesn't help all that much, lol I keep getting distracted by the things I'm worried about.


Try anagramming. I challenge you to see how many gods and goddesses you can get out of your name. :)


-- Nephele

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I always sucked at anagrams LOL. Now cryptograms, THOSE are fun! I haven't done them in a LONG time...I should see if there is a website full of them somewhere. I bet there is. I should find it.

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I have similar struggles, here's some things to consider:


Are you eating right and drinking enough water?


Do you get sufficient and consistent sleep?


Do you vigorously exercise on a regular basis?


Do you do yoga/meditate/completely relax?


Have you tried taking St. John's Wort?


Do you spend time outdoors?


Your body's condition can have a huge effect on your mind. If you can fulfill the above I guarantee you will feel better, but its a difficult challenge to do all those things. Also, spending a lot of time in front of a computer can really drag my mood down.

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Oh, thanks Nepele!!!! :D


Moon: I am pretty sure I'm eating well enough, I do have a blood sugar issue that DOES effect my mood (hypoglycemia) but this isn't the WHOLE problem.


I do pretty well on sleep, though the amount/type of sleep I get is one of my first indicators of a "bad time" (I start sleeping more and not being as rested when I am not doing well).


I do physical manual labor so I think I'm pretty covered on exercise...though I could stand to do more outside of work. I haven't gotten outside a lot lately, as it is winter and cold here. I do notice that my mood is definitely "lower" in winter.


Meditation I do...not yoga though. And no on the St. John's wort...I tend not to take ANYTHING except as a last resort. (Last time I tried taking something...omega 3 for my blood sugar/hormones...it dropped me straight into "depressed" and left me there...so I quit taking them.)

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