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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Does Pantagathus approve? Will I pass out when I see the price?

I paid $7.59 for a 4-pack.



Yeah, Ralph Steadman is a weirdo!



Oh, WOW! I knew there was something about that artwork I liked! I checked out the site, and now I've got to go buy The Joke's Over. Thanks, Moon!


-- Nephele

You're welcome!

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Does Pantagathus approve? Will I pass out when I see the price?

I paid $7.59 for a 4-pack.


Had a cardiac infarction! You're responsible! I'll send you the bills.



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Does Pantagathus approve? Will I pass out when I see the price?

I paid $7.59 for a 4-pack.


Had a cardiac infarction! You're responsible! I'll send you the bills.



That's a week's worth of beer for me. $30 a month isn't a bad price to enjoy beer.

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