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The next step



Well, it's official. I just sent off my first paper, with the hopes that it will get published.


Ok, let's not get our egos pumped up hugely here. It's a working paper, meaning that it's not posing a 'novel' idea per se, rather it's going to lead to a bigger, better paper. Also, the chances of it getting published are slim...you just can't expect everything you send off to be published. But still...there's a sense of accomplishment associated with this. I have officially taken the next step in the academic world.


Do I think it will get published? Eh, I hope it does, but I'm looking through my grey bifocals now, not through the rosy lenses. I definitely have bigger ideas that I want to work on, but they'll take time, maybe even a grant...but I can't really think about that now. In my district, any grant monies to be awarded are to full-time faculty, and I am but part-time. Basically, I have to wait until I'm in a full-time position before I can even think about grants. It'd be nice, but the full-time job is the priority now.


But it's still a nice feeling.


BTW, going into this 5-week break, I had a very long laundry list to accomplish...and with the paper submission, I just completed it. So, come Tuesday, I start a new semester, a new set of goals...and I will accomplish them.


Gee...I get to watch football in peace this afternoon!


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Of course! It won't be worth much, but, hey, why not.


Hey, I know that getting published is an important step in your career. I never had a formal paper published, but when I had my first article published in School Library Journal (on a new library program I'd conceived and designed for children) it gave me a boost.


I've no doubt that your paper will not only be "worth much," but will also be worthy. :)


-- Nephele

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