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Bring out yer dead!



I'm in a celebrity dead pool and I need your help!


For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, a celebrity dead pool is a pool whereby you pay a $20 entry fee and select a roster of celebrities (20 in our case). If one of them "goes" during the year, you subtract their age from 100 and that's how many points you get. Person with the most points at the end of the year wins the pot.


Go ahead. Get it out of the way. Feign your moral outrage. Your righteous indignation. Everyone does. I don't mind. But before long, they also start throwing out names too. They always do. You can't help yourself. So I'll give you a couple of minutes to go through all the emotions and then we'll continue.




All set? Good!


I ended up in 3rd place for the 2007 season, as my one and only score last year proved to be a big one in the form of 39 year old Anna Nicole Smith (good for 61 points!). I had jumped out to an early, sizable lead, only to see it get chipped away at throughout the year as other entrants scored with the likes of Pavarotti, Evil Knievel, Boris Yeltsin, Lady Bird Johnson, Jerry Falwell, and Tammy Fay Messner. My 3rd place finish was good enough to win my $40 though, so I'll take it.


That leads us to the purpose of my post. The 2008 "season" will begin as of 2/1/08 and I'd like some help finalizing my roster. Here are the 20 celebrities I've got so far:


Amy Winehouse

Ariel Sharon

Artie Lange

Ayman Al Zawahiri

Betty Ford

Billy Graham

Britney Spears

Dick Clark

Diego Maradona

Dom Deluise

Elizabeth Taylor

Fidel Castro

Pervez Musharraf

Kirk Douglas

Nancy Reagan

Osama Bin Laden

Pete Doherty

Ruth Bader Ginsberg


Suzanne Pleshette


I usually try to balance it with a number of aging actors, child stars gone bad, drug addicts, and those whom others are actively seeking their demise.


If you have any suggestions for fine tuning my roster, I'd love to hear them!


Thanks in advance.




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Michael Jackson

Jimmy Carter

Andre Previn

George H.W. Bush

George Steinbrenner.

Dick Chenny

Count Hans Kolvenbach (The Black Pope)

Bridget Bardot

Ed Koch

Mike Wallace

Charles Manson





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What do you see at the risk factors associated with the folks you listed?


Michael Jackson

Aside from being weird, I don't see a lot of risk factors. Suicide perhaps?


Jimmy Carter

No known illnesses.


Andre Previn



George H.W. Bush

Had him last year. Pretty good health, but that skydiving thing makes him attractive.


George Steinbrenner.

Ooooo ... very good!


Dick Chenny

He has 24/7 medical monitoring. He ain't going nowhere.


Count Hans Kolvenbach (The Black Pope)



Bridget Bardot

Not bad


Ed Koch



Mike Wallace

Appears to be in good shape


Charles Manson

We can only hope!

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Sorry, I didn't feign any indignation, but I can fake it if you like...:lol:


"That's what she said!"

Michael Scott

Manager - Dunder Mifflin Paper Co.

Scranton, PA


Britney Spears.

Got her!

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Brittney Spears would be some nice 65+ points (I have no idea about how old she is)


Ariel Sharon should be a good bet. Maybe you should add a Hamas leader? They tend to jump before their time.

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Count Hans Kolvenbach (The Black Pope)

Just retired as head of the Jesuits.


Andre Previn

Composed movie music. Once married to Mia Farrow. Conducted The Philadelphia Orchestra. (You philistine!)




Jane Russell

Ian Paisley

Count Dracula

Prince Philip

Tony Bennett

Gore Vidal

My upstairs neighbor. I am going to kill the child of perfidy.

Sen. Byrd


Ralph Nader

Donald Rumsfeld

Al Sharpton

Barbara Walters

Ted Kennedy

Angela Lansbury

My sister-in-law. Another homicide on my part.

Andy Griffith

O.J. Simpson

Pat Robertson

Walter Cronkite

Curt Shilling

The Rest of the Red Sox team :lol:


Look, you Maniac, what's my cut if I have selected a winner?


Sir Basil (to you)


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Risk factors, Gaius! Risk factors!


What makes these folks more prone to kicking the bucket this year than people on my list?



Sen. Byrd hasn't made a down payment on the farm?



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Obama...you know why if he becomes President(racial overtone). I'm not trying to kid on this scenario.


Osama...living in Waziristan and constantly moving will kill the old man.




Borat...Oh wait, his character is already dead.


Ted Kennedy...he'll ironically be killed by a wind turbine due to karma.


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