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Life ate my brain...



But I have it back now. *Pries brain out of life's mouth*. A little spit covered, but no worse for wear. *grins*


Over the past year or so, I've been so preoccupied with work, and other things, that I've hardly had time to do anything I cared about. And when I DID have time, I was usually so bogged down with depression or something similar, that I couldn't manage to do anything. It started sometime last winter...and during that time when pretty much my whole focus was on surviving and maintaining some semblance of sanity...I somehow lost track of all of the things that were actually important to me.


Fast forward a few months, and I am off to Minnesota. I had a wonderful time, but the job I was counting on coming back to, fell through quite literally at the last minute. So my newest concern became finding a suitable job. I did that, and recently, my life has been so bogged down with various spiritual stuff (unrelated to my religious pathwork) and random mental ick (I've been putting a lot of work into overcoming some issues stemming from my childhood which were literally preventing me from maintaining functional relationships. I think I've made a LOT of progress.) that I again, lost track of what was important.


I realized today that for the past several months, my life contained three things: my job, the mental and spiritual whirlpool that was consuming my mind, and my relationship with Kitten. I had nothing else, literally. Nothing else mattered to me, and all of the things that I used to enjoy, got in the way of those three things.


I also realized that my best friend in the world, who is also quite the little shut-in, still takes time out of his day to watch movies. And he spends so much time working that it's absolutely insane. So while he was unavailable all day (really, for the past four days or so) I decided to take the time I have the house to myself to feed my poor brain.


The only thing I did today that even remotely resembles work is washing the dishes and feeding the chickens. Then I took a hot bath, and sat down to write. I wrote two essays for Love, Hope and Life which are part of a project I have been attempting to do for the past four or five weeks. I've been dressed in my PJ's since about 2 PM, and I've got tons of tea and chocolate.


I've been spending a lot of time reconnecting with my friends outside of that one relationship previously mentioned, as well. I'd realized that I'd only wanted to talk to one person, in the world...maybe two, on some days. Even a shut in needs more than one friend, so I'm making an effort to reach out to other people.


And with those two essays (and the long standing project that they represent) done, I think I'd like to have a drink to celebrate...if only I had a drink. :lol: Well, I'll take a rain-check on the drink I guess. This has been a perfect end to 2007 if I do say so myself.


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