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Christmas Comes Early



We did all our Christmas stuff Friday, and yesterday. I have a 4 day weekend, so mom figured I might as well have my stuff so that I can use it on my days off. She gave me a dremmel (well...similar thing) which I am going to have a ton of fun with. I have a bunch of stones in various states of tumbled, polished and unpolished, and I have plans for them! I made one thing yesterday, a beautiful piece of Montana agate with a gold sunrise etched on it...for Cernnunnos in honor of Yule.


I was very pleasantly surprised to find that my Polychromos colored pencils work on stone!!! WHOOT!! The possibilities are truly endless.


There is a piece of moss agate upstairs awaiting it's fate to become my newest piece of bindrune work. :lol:


I also got some Artclay, and an electric shaver (which is something I really wanted...yay no more bathtub acrobatics to shave my legs!).


My favorite thing, though, is a natural alexandrite ring. I knew I was getting it, for months, actually, because it's impossible to keep a secret from me for long; but I can't believe my mom found one that CLEAR. There is a tiny flaw in it...which I haven't seen but others have...which can only be seen under very high (11x or so) magnification. So it IS real. But wow.


Merry Christmas everyone!!


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I won't scan one but I'll upload one. Not sure how well it would scan LOL.


I'll take some pictures tomorrow. My scanner/printer is being a bugger today. Guess she doesn't like the holidays.

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