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I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.


An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.


Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the floor for her Joe". Yea sure.


When the fire chief says "Funny you should want to come through here" you know it's not good.


I have used up my sanity quota for the day. If you want sanity, leave your name and number. There is a waiting list.


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First of all, no one, not even cows, like it in penciltucky. How do you know that they weren't bulls or steers? Did you investigate? Second, where have you been all your life - on Venus? Third, don't you beings have maps? Fourth, if you were of age, I would send you an appropriate joke.



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They were cows GO, I saw them lying along the road. :ph34r:


[EXPERTS, please! Eyewitness evidence is now considered to be doubtful at best. :yes: ]


I do like it here...though I really want to go to Ireland at some point.


[i don't mean to be oglacious here, but for a Lost Soul who can't navigate her way to work, how would you ever get to Ireland? You'd probably wind up in Tanu Tuva or Tierra del Fuego. B) ]



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