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Another Bindrune Pendant (and a ton of snow)



I completed another bindrune pendant--this one goes on the rear view mirror of my car, for protection during travel. It was inspired by a rather harrowing journey home from work last Thursday.




It's snowing again, GRRRR. Snow and ice. *Knock on wood* the power did not go out. We thought it would, with all of the ICE and snow. I hope to hell I can get to work safely tomorrow, or that it's bad enough that I can call off...because I nearly didn't make it into work Friday morning. Oh, the roads were fine, but I was spinning my wheels (and burning rubber) trying to get into the parking lot.


Of course I had to give Chuck hell because after I FINALLY got in (on the 7th or 8th try), went inside and started work, THEN Chuck grabbed the snow shovel and went outside. I said "Oh, sure Chuck, NOW you decide to shovel the parking lot! After I had to try 8 times to get in!!!" :lol:


I don't think I'll be visiting my family for Christmas...the weather up here is too unpredictable and it's been storming a LOT...like, every weekend. I don't want to drive 200 miles in this s***.


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