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Caldrail - You're in Charge!



There I was, blissfully asleep after a long night before, woken by my mobile phone. Its AD, asking me if I wanted to come in on my day off. No, not really, but one has to make sacrifices to impress the boss (don't really want to be dumped by the roadside again). So, hungover and bleary eyed, I trudge into work to find that AD has decided to take the day off and so I must assume command of the operation.

Lorries turn up to collect our goods but don't know what they're supposed to be taking away. I don't know which vendor I'm supposed to be supplying. Daily and seasonal picks delayed by our move are now going live. Where's the pallets? Where's the shrinkwrap? More containers coming in and I can't subject them to qualtiy control because our machines are stacked up in the racks. Not that it matters, we still don't have an office. Has AD done this on purpose? Is this some sadistic trial by fire designed to forge the ultimate manager? Stay cool Caldrail.... Oh no, not another stock query....


Obituary of the Week

Its with some sadness that I must announce that my poor car, Maxie, is been put in mothballs, probably for disposal at some future date. The various unrequested modifications and mechanical defects, not to mention an engine that is now solely responsible for global warming, has meant that getting it through a Ministry of transport Test is all but too expensive. She's going to be a hard act to follow.


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Let's hold a moment of silence for Maxie.

And another one for Caldrail's sanity.........

Awwwwwww that was kind of you. Cars like Maxie don't drive off the end of production lines every day I'm afraid (at least, not unless you're a premiership footballer). As for my sanity - who needs it? What is sanity anyway? How do you judge someone sane? Its a viewpoint, a biased observation, a comparison to a fixed standard, which kind of suggests we're all judged against a subjective 'normality'. I on the other hand don't care to much for being restricted to peer acceptability. I therefore cannot be considered normal, and must therefore be a raving looney anyway. Since no-one else is exactly like me, I therefore must conclude that everyone else is basically nuts too. Apart from DS, who's been to the Nutty Club and obviously has been cured of her looniness. Not that you can actually see any difference of course... :blink:

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