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coin operated boy (oh boy)



coin operated boy

sitting on the shelf he is just a toy

but i turn him on and he comes to life

automatic joy

that is why i want a coin operated boy


...those are the first few lines of a song that i cant get out of my head. I promise, i tried, but it keeps coming back...


It all started with a commercial on austrian TV. The biggest austrian jam manufactorer "Darbo" had a weired (but very interesting) ad, promoting one of their products with this song. (you can see the original version



It is performed by the former street artists "The Dresden Dolls", who describe their style as "Brechtian punk cabaret"...


American`s who name their band Dresden Dolls and their style "Brechtian punk cabaret", what can i say, love it! :lol:


p.s. and what about the lyrics hehe, pretty obvious, what the lady is singing here about, isn`t it! ;-)

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Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

Leave you troubles outside!

So - life is disappointing? Forget it!

We have no troubles here! Here life is beautiful...

The girls are beautiful...

Even the orchestra is beautiful!

Im Cabaret, au Cabaret, to Cabaret!


Cool viddie.


-- Nephele

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