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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Rude Awakenings

I was in bed last night, and once again, I was woken abruptly by a noise. This time I wasn't my brother (he was in Spain at the time), but the sound of a window smashing in the building apposite my house. Already content with staying in bed, and safe in the knowledge that the building was in fact a derelict hall of residents




I know I'm a junior, but its important that I have a sense of direction so I can discuss it with my conselor and SAT/ACTs are coming, even though most schools don't deem great importance among them.   What I found out is that almost all the schools look at primarily the kinds of classes(challenges) you took at which level and most importantly your GPA or grade. Another important factor is the recommendations from counselor and teachers.   Looking to the future, I'm thinking about majoring in

Like The Legions

Well, I just got home from band practice. We were practicing our field-formations for this friday's homecoming football game. I didn't bring my instrument for several reasons. 1) It was cold (30-40*F)- holding metal for two hours would be horendous. 2) Rain. Metal and rain = bad, water is a corrosive chemical. 3)Cold- it would be pointless playing in the cold as the pitch would go flat and sound horrible. Turns out I was the one least suffering. :nopity:   The several hours I spent out there

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

"no Honey, I Don't Feel Like It Tonight...."

I had this today in my inbox, and thought its pretty funny...   This was written by a guy... it's pretty damn smart. Girls -- Have a sense of humour! I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women diffe so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing.I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart.     FOR EXAMPLE:   One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up,



Archery And Fishing

I know, this poor little blog over in the corner has been neglected lol.   I managed to get Saturday off of work so that I could go to the Bowhunters' Festival, and I had a blast. I got my arrows cut, finally, found some very pretty feather roses (they are gorgeous! A waste of money, but gorgeous! lol), and I got a beautiful little antler-handled knife to add to my collection We ran into one of my friends from school and ended up taking her home so she could stay to see the bluegrass band pla



Hbo Rome Gallery

Ursus produced a top notch review of the First Season;   http://www.unrv.com/hbo-rome-review.php as usual articulate and perceptive without getting over excited.   A lot of people visit the site in search of this particular topic , and all its collateral baggage. I have therefore kicked off a Gallery devoted to the series:   http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?act=mo...um&album=67 this album can be as big or small as members wish, what i think might be useful would be to look hard a



Nature Of Media

Television and radio are very important tools for influencing perception. I don't how many times someone has told me how people with opposing political views are basically brainwashed by the particular media channels they adhere to. It seems to me that most people are fully aware of this aspect, but once they pick their alignment, it seems that the caution involved in gathering information from their chosen corporate media is mostly disarmed.   I understand how practical this is, because I've




Some interesting quotes from Mussolini that I've come across in my reading, judge for yourself how they apply to modern reality as you percieve it:   "Fascism ought to more properly be called corporatism since it is the merger of state and corporate power."   "Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are



Coming Out

well the past year has seen many changes in my life. only the other week i finally came out to my parents about my sexuality.. i had told them a year ago that i thought i was but they came back witht he usual 'you dont know till your older' stuff. But when i told my parents the other week i got a rather unwelcome reply, my father looked rather sad, disapointed and ashamed so i started to get really pissed off because they always told me if i did turn out to be 'gay' they wouldnt care but they



Sieze The Day

I was in 6th grade and I was sitting in english class. We were (ironically) working on current events. Someone came in and said the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane. We were not permitted to watch the news despite accumulating bits of news. I thought it was against our rights, no matter the age, to withhold us from watching the news. Only until after I got home I learned the rest; only until recently have I truly comprehended the magnitude of the outcome that day. Despite the times we

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

From Roman Politics To Romanian Politics

Between the imperial instititution of Rome and romanian political institution of "domnie" of Middle Ages and Modern Era it's continuity of content. The romans were never able to maintain dinastic continuity and usurpers used what was the fragility of imperial rule and the reduce loyalty of the army to start new dinasties that faced the same problems. The empire was divided in three large areas were succesor states ruled. The West adopted the political forms of the victorious germans based on e



Pigment Hierarchies In The Roman World

I have been delving through this work   http://www.amazon.co.uk/Society-Pompeii-He...8&s=gateway being a great lover of Pompeii and Herculaneum. As far as the social hierarchy of houses and their internal layouts go I have started a thread here: http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...amp;#entry43683 the changing styles of layout and decoration ,are intimate to the social upheavals of the period from the late Republic to approximately the death of Pliny The Elder. Indeed Pliny is



Computer Woe

Woke up this morning to a fright. My computer would freeze itself in a thinking mode while I got to stare fruitlessly at the icons on my desktop. After finally getting through to the Microsoft Indian technical support, it corrected itself.   Truth be told, in the back of my soul I was hoping it would stay that way. Then Lady Tania would not have a problem with me dropping a grand on a new system. I would just need a new motherboard, chip, tower and a nice big harddrive. Problem is I have that

Favonius Cornelius

Favonius Cornelius

Life's Surprises

At work today, my boss called a meeting of all the employees and surpised us with the news that the business was being shut down immediately. Apparently, the business had not been turning a profit for a while and it was time for him to cut the losses. Coincidentally, I had been half-heartedly job-seeking prior to this, with no result. Time to step up to the challenge, so I may be M.I.A. for a time as I find a new source of funding.



Decisions Decisions.

This morning I received a module option form from Exeter University's Classics and Ancient History department. Upon inspecting it I was immediately confronted with dozens of options for my further study of Greece and Rome; of these I had to pick two. After mulling over my choices, I managed to narrow it down to four modules.   Which two of the following should I choose? 1) Ancient Sources (written evidence): Roman Historical Writing--Sallust, Livy and Tacitus.   2) Ancient Sources (written



Unfathomable Dreams

I've been writing my first real bottom-up web application for the past few weeks. When things start really falling into place and I can see real interactive results, I become obsessive to the point that everything else is nearly excluded from my thoughts - well, except for my obsession with the American history that was somehow left out of 12+ years of schooling.   Lately, I've constantly had dreams where, for whatever ultra-bizarre reason, I'm attempting to grasp some stupendously unfathomab



_.:in The Pit:._

Well school's finally started (third day) and I'm starting to get adjusted to the boatloads of work I'm getting. By all means I'm not complaining, I did it to myself after all. I took two science courses (chem and physics) and a college U.S. history course. On the side I have band and it's after-school activities. Spanish is really fun this year, the teacher won't speak english unless she really has to. She even has her dirt-clodden pants that she wore running with the bulls in Spain hanging on

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

To The Future

Sadly enough school starts in two more days. This year I am traditionally tasked with searching for a college. The only problem is I really don't know what I want to do for a living. Despite that, I will be looking closely at the University of Madison. Hopefully my future job/career will be something different than the 8-hours-a-day-monotony that most people have. Perhaps the Italian and Russian I will learn in college will help achieve that. Maybe I'll name my future house 'HQ'.   For the tim

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Quite The Perfect Day

Sausalito--or 'The Land of the Little Willows' as the Spaniards called it--lies just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. For the past 54 years they have an arts and crafts festival that rivals any other, with middle-to-very-high end pottery, jewelry, paintings, photography, and the like (yes, and the prices to match).   This year, my parents and I went to it, just to see what we could see. Gesu Maria...wow...I mean, some really great stuff, that took our breath



Your Vote Counts! Maybe...

This really inspires confidence in my democratic efficacy.   http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/20...oting_here.html   Anyways... since Gaius has mentioned Thomas Paine in a few discussions, I nabbed a book on clearance at B&N called 46 Pages by Scott Liell and so far I'm captivated. I'll give some more opinion once I'm finished - which may be a while since I'm usually reading about 4 books simultaneously and randomly for whatever reason that eludes me.



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