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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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About this blog

lets see if I can actually keep this up

Entries in this blog

A Personal Statement

I have to offer my most sincere apologies to members of the UNRV site who put in so much time and effort to keep the community alive and vibrant, and of course to Viggen/Christian who does so much to really keep up with the promotional efforts. Most of you know him as the guy who wields the vitis around here anyway.   As much as I love this site (which I hope can be evidenced by all the work that was put into it over the years), its obvious that I've been largely absent for a considerable t

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

My back hurts

Much like the headline says, my back hurts. It's not a constant pain, but it's rather situational and stems from a problem with my sciatic nerve. If I sit for a long time, or lay in certain positions, I find it difficult to get up and/or walk straight. The pain isn't overwhelming but its certainly dysfunctional. My chiropracter/kinesiologist is helping to minimize the impact, but can't seem to relieve the problem altogether (yes that's a form of holistic care coupled with traditional chiropr

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

Building a blog...

One of the reasons I decided to revisit this little personal UNRV blog is because of a related project I am working on in the office... yes my real job... not my UNRV perch.   Despite working for a communications firm (broadcasting, public relations, etc., not phones and such) we are a bit behind the times when it comes to using the internet as a tool for certain clients. One of our major business categories is developing online video "news" broadcasts that companies use to communicate with e

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

So what is this thing called a blog

As you can see, I haven't exactly made great use of this blog thing. I posted a few coin entries... but I really don't have the heart for it.   From here on out, this will be more personal in nature. So without further adieu...   Item #1. We (my wife and I) are hosting a wine tasting party for a few couples this Saturday night. Our group is mostly inexperienced in wine save for myself, my wife and one other couple. We have already made the bulk of purchases for our tasting stock, but

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

Julius Caesar Venus And Aeneas

Julius Caesar. 48-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm).     This denarius was minted by Julius Caesar between 48 and 46 BC in a travelling military mint during the civil wars and is a clear example of political propoganda.   The obverse diademed head of Venus represents the Julian clan's divine lineage. The hero Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus. Aeneas

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

Tiberius 'tribute Penny' Silver Denarius

The famous coin believed to be that referenced in the testament of Jesus Christ (Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke)   "Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

L. Manlius Torquatus Denarius 82 Bc - Sulla

This coin, the first entry in 'Moneta Romana' is a very recent purchase. While its value is moderate for a coin of this type, the image of victorious Sulla in triumph despite his own version of despotism, is a classic representation of the glory that was Rome.   Moneyer: L. Manlius Torquatus. He was Sulla's Proquaestor during the wars against Mithradates VI. Mint Year: 82 BC Type: Silver Denarius Weight: 3.71 gm   Obverse Legend: L. MANLI, PRO.Q (for proquaestor). Obverse Image: Roman h

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

A New Beginning

Considering that this site is dedicated to Roman history, I thought it prudent to maintain a blog that is more appropriately related. Hence, you may have noticed that my rather sparse previous entries on randomness have been eliminated. These will be replaced with a blog dedicated to Roman numismatics. This will not be an in depth review of coinage, but simply a place to reveal items within my personal collection. Unfortunately, that collection is not particularly large, so hopefully this bl

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

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