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A Good Day At The Beach

I went down to the beach where my parents live this weekend, and had a really good afternoon on Saturday snokelling. It was a dead low tide, and very calm. I saw lots of parrot fish, wrasse, sweep, darts and whiting. The water was really warm for Victoria (the state I live in) and some of the pools I swam in were beautiful. The rocks were absolutely covered in life, all kinds of colorfull seaweed and lichen and growth.   My parents retired to Barwon Heads, on the Bellarine peninsular, about a



The Week In Review

Lets see what have I done this week ? The most interesting night by far I will describe for you below:-   Caught up with a mate earlier in the week. He came around with his new girlfriend and I made a green curry duck. The duck was excellent, and the conversation was lively. We drank a bottle of wine and after dinner decided to go play some pool (8 ball) at the local.   We walked in and I slapped a buck down on the table. In my town, if someones on the table you have to pay for the next game



Fishing In The Bay

Had a good time fishing on a boat out in Port Phillip bay at the weekend, caught heaps and have been eating fish since then. Flathead is delicious and oh so versatile.



Christmas At Work

I didn't realise you could set your blog to Approve comments, not that I would disapprove, regardless of the comment myself.   Anyway - It's been a week of Christmas parties, for work mostly. One with clients (terrible) and one without (not terrible but not that great either).   I find it difficult to socialise with people from work outside of working hours. To me it's like - You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. I'm not at the job to make great friends, I didn't cho



Summer Is Here

So Summer arrived this week, and the first day was a hot one at 34c, which I enjoyed. I guess that's about 90 or something in the other measurement. The days this week were like a count down for me, as I was anticipating heading down to the beach house. I write this from that very house by the sea. The house is in Barwon Heads which is only about an hour and a half from Melbourne. It's a place I really enjoy. I never do that much down here...if it's hot I go swimming, I go fishing in the eveni




I've recently started doing some singing in a friends band, It's a lot of fun. Been writing lyrics and without my band mates knowing have been managing to quote all kinds of people in song lyrics. Yesterday we got a song down that has a direct quote from M Aurelius "The Meditations", it's all rock, guitar, base, drums and me. I've found "The Meditations" a rich source of sentiment for feel good dirty rock. M Aureius will be acknowledged in the song title.



Yes It Does Suck

After reading some of the other members blogs it's heartening to know they are working similarly annoying day jobs as myself. I guess I should have worked that out already just by considering how often they post on this forum. When one is dissatisfied with working life, one tends to look for another one...life that is.



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