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The boring things you never wanted to know...

Entries in this blog

What The Hell? Again...

The more I look into Referendum C, the more it blows my mind. I can't understand how someone would want to support this, and if they do... there's nothing keeping them from donating more of their own money to taxes.http://www.taxfoundation.org/publications/show/316.htmlhttp://www.freedomworks.org/informed/issue...p?issue_id=2264



What The Hell?

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...us/tax_tussle_2I find it frightening that the most obvious solution for lack of efficacy from my state government is to just use more money. Maybe if I don't budget my income and use it wisely, my boss will just give me all his additional revenue for a few months. I'm pretty sure that would teach me how to use money wisely.



The Daily Grind

I've recently discovered a new situation to test my patience. I started entry-level at my unspeakable dayjob... after a promotion to a different position, I've now been 'promoted' to a position managing the 'entry-level' department. I don't think there is a better situation to be able to witness the overwhelming lack of competence and work ethic of the average American male.It actually saddens me to see these guys who bounce from job to job, never grasping the idea of 'earning', unable to use se



I Take It Back

The upgrade wasn't as smooth as I thought. Apparently, in the old forum version, the post formatting was saved with each post in the database and it does not get updated along with the upgrade. So... I spent a few hours writing and testing a script to go through each post and replace certain pieces of code and HOPEFULLY everything is solved.   Anyone interested in getting the script for their own upgrade can just PM me.



And I'm Spent!

The forum upgrade is finally done after many hours of testing and preparation. I'm happy with how smoothly it went... in fact I've never had so little trouble with a script upgrade.   Thanks Invision! /high five



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