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Home of Godly Visions and Hallucinations

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I wrote this short story last year in my advanced history class. The other week I was taking a test; some random person walked in the class and handed me this envelope. Inside was my story, and a paper telling me to edit my story- the history department wants to publish it in their next book about the 1920's.   The following selection, researched and written by me, is about the Red Scare of the 1920's.   Special Thanks: Mr. Blanchard, English Teacher, Mechanics/Other Editing Mrs. Kemp, Eng

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Carpe Diem!

Ah! It is but a mere hour before the new year! As I type this the east coast of my beloved country already passed into the new year, with many of its inhabitants already passed out! :drunk: Happy New Years to all!   My new years resolution: Carpe Diem!

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia


Baha! It's red! It's red! It was made in 1997! It's called a Dodge Stratus! It's mine! It needs work... but it runs! 5 cd changer! WOOHOO. Little did I know that writing "Buy Tom a car" at the bottom of my mother's grocery lists for the last two years would actually get me somewhere.   The first cars are always the best. Will post a pic later.   The "holiday" vacation is treating me well. It's so relaxing to get away from the pit for a change. I haven't been mad at anything in almost over

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

%*&@ it.

People piss me off. Now I know why I usually work alone.     Let's just say there is no "Antiochus does the whole project by himself" in GROUP PROJECT!!! Lately all these little things are bugging the hell outta me and people are so %*#$ing retarded, and it's adding up into one melancholic cynical pissed off panda. Me. Fortunately I'm feeling better now, as I've already fermented away my hatred for humanity and some other good things happened.   Ok. I'm better now.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

A Practical Application of Roman History

4:27 AM April 12, 1861- Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Civil War Begins   Abraham Lincoln and the Union War Office turn down an offer from the King of Siam, a pack of war elephants!   July 2nd, 1863- Second day in the Battle of Gettysburg:   In charge if one of the flanks in Gettysburg, Chamberlain used a tactic "He learned while studying Roman history". It was Chamberlain and his "swinging gate" tactic that won the 2nd day, the whole battle, and ultimately the war and Union.   December 5

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Roman Book Wish List for Saturnalia

Currently I own these books:   Grant's Roman Emperors Goldworthy's In the Name of Rome Collins' Nero's Killing Machine Burns' Rome and the Barbarians Gibbon's Decline and Fall   ----   Currently in "possession" of:   Brand's Roman Military Law (Library Book)   ----   My Saturnalia Wish List currently comprises of:   Goldswirthy's Complete Roman Army M. Warrior's Roman Religion: A Sourcebook Rodger's The Roman World: People and Places   I also believe I should should consid

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

|-Alert- Great Book|

I just started reading an old book I found deep in a recess of my school library's bookshelf. It is called Roman Military Law by C.E. Brand. It was published in 1968 (give or take a year), and is my first serious study of the Romans. This book is very unlike many of the other books I have read. This one is a serious scholarly work, and I am already engrossed after the first chapter because of the knowledge contained within. I can't wait to finish and provide a review! I am very fortunate I found

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Let it melt, let it melt, let it melt...

In Swissconsin, the land of cheese, one can experience three seasons in one day.   This morning it was somewhat warm out.   Around noon it was raining.   By 4pm we had 4-6 inches of snow.     Pretty picture of a snowy tree.   My street,   and snow on big tree.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia


Wow, I haven't made on of these in a while. Actually, right now I am "making" time for this- I need a break from the damned homework. Need a little UNRV time...   I thought at the beginning of the year my AP U.S. History class would be boooring. I always thought U.S. history would be boring. Boy, was I wrong. Right now we are covering Jacksonian Democracy, and I have become somewhat enchanted with the figure of Andrew Jackson. Despite a few personal flaws and a bad decision or two, he probabl

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Aim Screename

Any AOL product is the worst thing you can put on your computer- for an IM I use X-fire, but recently I had to get AIM for 'backward compatability' because there are many people who for some reason still use it. :whip:   So, since I have the dreaded thing now, add Seleukos III to your buddy list dear UNRV members.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Full Moons Make People Crazy

Wow. Scientists should have a full-scale research project of the effects of the full moon on people. This weekend was the craziest I've ever had.   1) Friday, while escorting several sophomores to a band party after a half-time performance, I went over to talk to some fellow clarinets in their car going to go get movies. A bunch of drunk hmongs decided our presence across the street was 'trespassing their property'- I recieved a punch to the jaw and somehow talked thirty approaching drunks to

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Do Not Mess Up My Show!

Valete et plaudite!   It had finally come! The night of the big game! Probably one of the biggest events of the year, homecoming is our special football game. I am in band, as you probably know, and the band has been practicing our field show meneuvers for a long time. We spent an 8-hours-a-day week at band camp, and 2-3 hours every Mondey thereafter to learn all the new music, chants, and field patterns for the knowingly ungrateful crowd. You may have heard me complain (poking fun) several ti

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Like The Legions

Well, I just got home from band practice. We were practicing our field-formations for this friday's homecoming football game. I didn't bring my instrument for several reasons. 1) It was cold (30-40*F)- holding metal for two hours would be horendous. 2) Rain. Metal and rain = bad, water is a corrosive chemical. 3)Cold- it would be pointless playing in the cold as the pitch would go flat and sound horrible. Turns out I was the one least suffering. :nopity:   The several hours I spent out there

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Sieze The Day

I was in 6th grade and I was sitting in english class. We were (ironically) working on current events. Someone came in and said the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane. We were not permitted to watch the news despite accumulating bits of news. I thought it was against our rights, no matter the age, to withhold us from watching the news. Only until after I got home I learned the rest; only until recently have I truly comprehended the magnitude of the outcome that day. Despite the times we

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

_.:in The Pit:._

Well school's finally started (third day) and I'm starting to get adjusted to the boatloads of work I'm getting. By all means I'm not complaining, I did it to myself after all. I took two science courses (chem and physics) and a college U.S. history course. On the side I have band and it's after-school activities. Spanish is really fun this year, the teacher won't speak english unless she really has to. She even has her dirt-clodden pants that she wore running with the bulls in Spain hanging on

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

To The Future

Sadly enough school starts in two more days. This year I am traditionally tasked with searching for a college. The only problem is I really don't know what I want to do for a living. Despite that, I will be looking closely at the University of Madison. Hopefully my future job/career will be something different than the 8-hours-a-day-monotony that most people have. Perhaps the Italian and Russian I will learn in college will help achieve that. Maybe I'll name my future house 'HQ'.   For the tim

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Don't Try This- On Your Way Home

I finished watching a very good episode of Band of Brothers (Bastogne) when I saw lights flashing on the wall behind the tv. The cops had pulled someone over in front of my house. My window is about 30 feet or less from the road, and it was very quiet that night; being 1:30 in the morning probably contibuted considerably. The cop walks up to the man and asks him, "Did you know your left-rear brakelight is out?" The man agreed and offered some explaination I couldn't hear. Then the cop ask the ma

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Debacle And Discombobulation Inversion

Hurrah! I am a full-fledged member of the community now! :wheelchair: Beware, this will be a place of ranting and miscellaneous jolly banter. You know you love it.   I am here against the grain. My parents think I'm nuts for an interest in history. I was called "Rome boy" the other day. My dad thinks Gaius is my stalker because he sent me an e-mail. I keep getting asked, "What's so great about Rome?" Answering won't stop 'em either. I will not persue the medical field. Biomechanical engin

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

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